The balance sheet is, in fact, away of grouping the assets of the business entity. It presents the equilibrium of property values ​​belonging to the enterprise in two aspects: description of placement and composition (asset) and description by source of origin and purpose (liability).

The main source of information on economicactivity and financial condition of the enterprise is precisely the balance sheet (form 1). Balance analysis is the first stage of a comprehensive study of the financial status of a commercial organization.

During the analysis, special attention is paid to the following points.

1. Analysis of changes in articles

It should begin with a description of the sum totalProperty of the enterprise in dynamics for the considered period. As a result, sources of increase (reduction) of assets are identified, taking into account the articles on which they occurred.

2. Balance sheet analysis

When studying the structure of the balance sheet, its currency and resultsof each section are taken as 100%. The share of each section is calculated as a part of the total amount of funds (all sources of the enterprise), after which the specific weight of each element is determined.

Analysis of the structure is carried out in blocks: first determine the proportion of permanent and temporary assets in the currency in which the document was conducted, then their structure (balance asset analysis) is considered. Likewise, we study liabilities (balance sheet liability analysis). The research reflects the dynamics of changes in the structure throughout the period under review. It is also necessary to identify the reasons for these changes.

Particular attention is paid to the elements that have the greatest weight, and those whose proportion changes discontinuously. Often they are the problem points of the enterprise.

3. Analysis of the balance of net working capital (PSC)

The PSC helps determine the value of current assets,which are financed by invested capital. It shows which part (share) of current assets was financed in a certain period at the expense of the company's own capital.

The value of the PSC characterizes how liquidcompany. The PSC index is the first indicator of its financial stability. That is why his calculation is especially important. The PSC is defined as the difference between current assets and liabilities. It can also be calculated as the difference between the invested funds and the permanent assets. With the help of the latter method, one can analyze the reasons for the change in liquidity.

When calculating the structure, the levelPSC in assets, which reflects the ratio of PSC to the total assets of the enterprise. The growth of the PSC in this case indicates the growth of the financial independence of the enterprise.

The optimal value of the indicator is determined fromtaking into account the liquidity of the property and the conditions under which settlements are made with suppliers. To determine the adequacy (insufficiency) of the PSC, it is necessary to compare its actual value with the optimal calculated value. If it exceeds the optimal calculated value, the actual reduction in its level does not mean a weakening of financial stability.

Balance analysis ends with a preliminarythe conclusion about the existence of certain negative factors in the state of the enterprise (depreciation of funds, problems with sales, the existence of arrears, etc.). At the same time, the reasons that led to their occurrence (insufficiently effective work of the marketing department, inconsistency of the services, etc.) are indicated. On the other hand, positive trends are also determined (repayment of old debts, capital growth, improvement of the structure of assets, etc.).

The most important positive characteristics,which allows you to identify the analysis of the balance sheet, are as follows: the growth of accumulated capital; absence of serviced loans; satisfactory credit history; the absence of wage arrears exceeding the standards, before the budget, etc .; absence of warehousing of warehouses.