The largest monkeys that are found in America are the howler. In addition, they are the loudest representatives of primates. It was thanks to their sharp scream they got their name.

Monkey-howler: description and features

In the family of grasping monkeys, howler monkeys arethe largest. They grow to an average of 70 cm. Their tail is almost the same length as the body. Adult monkeys can weigh up to eight kilograms. The howlers are covered with long hair, which can have different coloring options. These primates also have very developed throat sacs.


Monkey-howler differs with mighty fangs, andalso a jaw that is slightly pushed forward. This feature gives the primate an awesome appearance. The face of the monkey does not have hair, but it has a beard. Each paw of the animal is endowed with five tenacious fingers with flat nails.

Scientists describe five types of howler, among which the most common are two: red-haired howler and Central American.

Tail of a monkey

Monkey-howler photo shows how muchtheir tails are powerful. This is a very important organ in the vital activity of these animals. For them, the tail is an extra hand, which monkeys can freely tear fruits and leaves. Also with his help they pat their young or gently touch their relatives. But, in addition, the tail of the howler is so powerful that it can withstand the weight of a monkey, when it decides to hang on a branch upside down.

It can be noted that this part of the body hasunusual appearance. From the bottom at the base of the tail, on the inner side, there is a section on which there is no fur. Instead, here on the skin are patterns and small scallops.

photo of monkeys

Life of primates

Monkey-howler inhabits moist forests that arein the mountainous region of Central and Latin America. Individuals live in separate families, in which there are about 15 - 40 primates. In such communities there can be one male and a harem of females. But more often it's a family where there are several males of different ages, as well as females.

You can see them in trees where there are kidneys,juicy foliage, seeds, flowers, because that is what is included in their basic diet. The main occupations of these monkeys are roaring and feeding. With the coming of night, primates go to sleep, although some individuals are able to cry even in a dream.

Daily "concerts"

Day after day with sunrise, the whole herdmonkeys rises to the crowns of huge trees, where a "concert" will take place. Before proceeding to the main occupation, primates are conveniently arranged on branches, without making sounds. Stronger than all they try to keep their tail behind a strong branch. As soon as everyone settles in comfort, a signal is given, and soloists, huge males, begin to roar.

monkey cry

Such a cry of a monkey-howler likecompetitions, when every male struggles with his throat and yells that there is urine. At the same time, they look seriously and attentively at their relatives. But after a while, voices of "ordinary" monkeys are added to this cry, forming a loud chorus. This roar is heard for a whole kilometer. But such a concert does not last long. Within five minutes, having reached the highest point, the roar ceases. Now primates can refresh themselves with breakfast to gain strength for the next song.

For dinner, the family goes for food to the forest thicket. The photo of monkeys, which is in our article, depicts such a herd. Having gained strength, towards evening, the family again starts its concert, stunning the neighborhood. But it's worth noting that males can scream all day.

monkey howler description

Why so loud and what for?

This question has long been asked by travelers,who had to hear the roar that the monkey-howler was making. With time, having studied the structure of this primate, scientists have found out that the laryngeal bags of the animal, like resonators, can several times amplify the sound that the mammal emits.

But their concerts the howlers set not simply, but withseveral purposes. The first is how they strive to become more attractive in the eyes of females. The second is to show potential enemies and competitors that this territory belongs to them. Thus, this singing is called upon to guard the lands of their families. But, despite this, intertribal battles occur regularly. The matter is that between males there is a serious competition because of females. So, when a female is ready to mate, and in her family no one responds to the call, she gives sounds to another male.


Monkey-howler hatching cub about 190 days. As soon as the baby comes into the world, he grabs his mother for the fur. So the crumb will sit behind the back of the wet nurse for a long time. Often the young monkey accompanies the mother up to 24 months. But as soon as the young male becomes sexually mature, he is expelled from the family. This young man must enter another herd, and if he is confident in himself, he kills the leader and his heirs. Sometimes the females leave their parents' family, going in search of a new group.