The Red Book of the Moscow Region isAn official document detailing all rare and endangered animals, plants and mushrooms of the Moscow region. People cut down forests and destroy nature, forgetting about our smaller brothers. Still quite a bit, and many animals listed in the Red Book of the Moscow region will disappear from these lands forever. But it's not too late to change your mind and try to keep them. We offer you an overview of the most interesting and remarkable animals listed in the Red Book of the Moscow Region.

Little Vespers

This creation is not numerous andpoorly studied species of bats. It belongs to the order of bats and is the representative of the only flying mammals in the world. Small vespers inhabit the forest steppe and steppe. Its favorite places are the Moscow parks and forests. The animals of the Red Book of the Moscow Region are not accidentally included in it, and a small evening meal is no exception.

animals of the red book of the Moscow region

The main threat to the population of this speciesbats mammals presents an inevitable reduction of permanent habitats (forests) and felling of hollow trees with the aim of expanding the territories of the Moscow region. The number of this species of bats mammals living in this area is extremely small. Currently, they can be found only in the south of the region.

Common lynx

The lynx is, perhaps, the northernmost representativefamilies of felines living in the wild. In the Moscow region, it can be found in the deaf and heavily cluttered coniferous forests. As the researchers found, the dynamics of the population of common lynx in the suburbs is directly related to the dynamics of the number of hare-hares. It's understandable: hare-hares are the main food of these cats.

The population of these animals is also affectedan increase in the reaction load on the forest near Moscow, their fragmentation with the purpose of country development. The survival of the lynx in this region is becoming increasingly difficult due to a decrease in the number of ungulates that are a non-main source of their food. It is impossible not to mention the constant poaching.

Brown bear

In the suburbs brown bears inhabited by poor peopleplaces in the deaf and vast forests. In their lairs they lie not earlier than December, but wake up in March-April. Brown bears mostly prefer a sedentary lifestyle, i.e. live in the same forest, boron. The habitat of these animals is worsened by the deforestation of country houses on the periphery of the region. An important role is played by the increase in off-road transport on the territory of the forest zone.

animals listed in the red book of the Moscow region

White stork

Animals of the Red Book of the Moscow Region are notare limited only by terrestrial representatives of fauna. At the present time, those whose element is the sky, that is, the sky, are under the threat of extinction. birds. The brightest representative of birds, included in this book, is a white stork. From time immemorial, close proximity to man gave these creatures certain advantages over other large birds. But all good things come to an end.

Unfortunately, various territorial wars andassociated with them the destruction of certain settlements in the central region of the country rather painfully impacted on the population of these birds. Currently, white storks are animals of the Red Book of the Moscow Region. Hunters and poachers destroy their nests, destroying both adult birds and their offspring. Fortunately, most of the inhabitants of the Moscow region are nevertheless careful and sympathetic to these beautiful creatures.

red book of the Moscow region

Black Kite

This is a small species of birds of prey,Moscow region. Until the beginning of the 20th century, in the territory of this region the black kite was one of the most popular species of birds of prey, but at the beginning of the last century the number of these creatures began to decline inevitably. And all because of the growing factor of cutting down nesting trees, and also because of the decrease in the amount of the main food of kites - river fish.

Black kites, like white storks, are animalsRed Book of the Moscow Region. Since 1978, they are under special protection. Some nesting groups of these birds live in the territories of special reserves of regional importance, for example, in the Shakhovskoye, Lukhovitsky and Taldomsky districts of the Moscow region.