Lovers of the so-called quiet hunting with everyonethe year appears more and more. It would seem, well, why should a person know about, for example, the mushrooms of the Chelyabinsk region, if they are now completely without problems can be bought in

the nearest supermarket or on the market? So no ... According to psychologists, this is how residents of huge megacities try to rest from the hustle and bustle of everyday life.

Edible mushrooms of the Chelyabinsk region

mushrooms of the Chelyabinsk region


He has an excellent reputation and stands outamong representatives of its kind. This handsome man has a tall white leg and a dark brown hat. The mushroom has excellent taste and at the same time is very useful for health, since it contains vitamins A, B1, D. Another feature of this so-called king of fungi is the fact that it does not happen to be wormy. It can be fried, boiled, dried and marinated, and in any case the taste of the dish will be excellent.


In the Chelyabinsk region, you can observe three varieties: white mushrooms, black mushrooms and dry mushrooms.

  • The white mackerel on the outside is completely snow-white, with a curved edge on the cap and a hollow stem.
  • The black mushroom is the same structure as the white one, except for the color and sticky hat.
  • Dry mushrooms have fundamental differences from their relatives. He has a cream-white hat and a thick short leg. Basically such gifts of the forest are used for pickles.


A buttermilk is a small-sized fungus witha golden cap on a white stalk. This variety is very tasty, and specially for it there are many recipes for various dishes. But before this gift of the forest is used for food, it is necessary to clean it thoroughly.

Honey mushrooms

The story about the mushrooms of the Chelyabinsk region will seemincomplete, if you do not mention this rather small, hefty-growing specimen. It has a bell-shaped bonnet, a slightly elongated, slender leg. Opeyat can be eaten as pickles, boiled soups, marinated and even frozen.


The hat of this representative of the underworldConvex, similar to a small pillow, which hung over a long white foot in speckles. If you break the mushroom, you can notice that over time its color remains unchanged. In addition to the above, popular mushrooms in the Chelyabinsk region (2013) - are boletus, chanterelles, russules, russets, mosses, barns, freckles, mushrooms, raincoats, russules and others.

It should be noted that all mushrooms contain useful vitamins and have excellent taste data provided they are properly prepared and pre-cleaned and soaked.

Secrets of experienced: where there are mushrooms in Chelyabinsk

mushrooms in the Chelyabinsk region 2013
In general, the region has a huge number of mushroom routes, and experienced mushroom pickers have already built themselves a schedule of walks through the forest with benefit both for themselves and for their own pocket.

The Sosnovsky district is generally filled with mushrooms, inFeatures of this are noticeable around the two villages - Butaki and Kremenkul. Here, boletus, russula and honey agarics are popular, which can be collected throughout the mushroom season until the first frost. If you move slightly to the west, to Lake Bolshoe Kremenkul, you can also collect a full basket of mushrooms and ceps.

The second place where the mushrooms of the Chelyabinsk region meet most often is the Argayash district. Particularly lucky for lovers of pimples.

Along the route "Kyshtym-Ozersk" in the local forests, you can also benefit from white fungus or mushrooms. And mushroom pickers advise to try their luck in the village of Sargazy or Kureinoye.

Precautionary measures

where there are mushrooms in Chelyabinsk
Mushrooms, despite their useful properties, canbe very dangerous to humans, and sometimes even deadly. Therefore, when collecting them, and even more so when consumed in food, it is necessary to observe the following precautions:

  • Avoid unknown specimens;
  • go on mushroom hunting only in the early morning;
  • remember that there are false species that can cause acute poisoning;
  • all that was collected, it is necessary to prepare on the day of collection, postpone the next day is simply unacceptable;
  • forever remember that mushrooms, which will later be used for food, should not be collected near industrial facilities;
  • When cooking, it is necessary to pre-soak the mushrooms;
  • in no case can you wash the gifts of wood in galvanized dishes.
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