The certificate of the nurse is issued to people with appropriate education, certain organizations of the medical direction. In our country this document has a validity period of five years.

Nurse certificate

For many years in Russia there was no clearformulate what kind of document for admission to work a nurse should receive. The certificate is currently the main document that confirms the qualification of the nurse. There are certain requirements, the implementation of which is a prerequisite for the issuance and extension of this document.

To obtain a certificate of a nurse, you must have documents that confirm the level of medical education, as well as the availability of necessary qualifications.

nurse certificate

The certificate can be obtained only by those people who have a certificate of training by profession and confirmation of the passing of the certification exam.

Procedure for obtaining

The first thing you need to do to getof this document, - to apply for the name of the head of the medical institution with a request to allow the refresher courses. Courses are formed to improve the skills, knowledge and skills of people working in the medical field.

Receiving a nurse certificate is only possiblewhen passing a course of study, which can last from one month to six months. After the completion of the course of study, you must pass the exam, following which you can get a document.

Certificate Examination

You can take the exam only if you havecompleted medical education. If there are documents that serve as evidence of this fact, then a certain day is set for the examination. A special commission is created, consisting of professionals working in the field of medicine and public health.

Commission members are selected by the head of the institution,who is its chairman. It also determines the date and time of the exam. In addition, the duties of the chairman include providing all the necessary information to the nurse no later than one month before the scheduled date for the examination.

Certain documents must be provided for admission to the exam by a nurse. The certificate can be issued only if the following documents are available:

  • Application submitted to the attestation commission.
  • Diploma of receiving medical education.
  • Documents on raising the level of qualifications.
  • Information about certificates obtained earlier.

After submitting and reviewing the necessarydocuments, the commission decides whether or not to obtain this certificate from a certain specialist. Its verdict must be announced within a certain time before the deadline for the examination. If the submitted copies will carry false information or not all the necessary documents will be submitted, the commission is entitled to not consider them. When all the formalities are left behind, the nurse can start preparing for the exam.

get a certificate of a nurse

The exam includes three stages: a test, a test of practical knowledge and an interview. There are no assessments on it, the nurse will receive a certificate or not, the members of the commission decide. They do not take more than three days to make a decision. The certificate is issued within a certain time after the exam.

Certificate of a Nurse (Moscow)

To work in her specialty as a nurse,living in Moscow, you just need to have a certificate. Without special education by profession, it is impossible to obtain it. Having a diploma, a nurse has the right to apply for a certificate.

The procedure for confirming the qualification includes: obtaining the direction of the medical institution, payment, passing the training and passing the exam.

Importance of the document

For those who have linked their lives with medicine andchose a profession such as a nurse, a certificate is an indispensable document. Its presence indicates that the employee has a proper level of practical and theoretical knowledge and skills that give him the right to engage in professional activities in the medical field.

obtaining a nurse certificate

A nurse who has received a certificate, which is a legal confirmation of her qualifications, can easily find a job in any medical institution.

The choice of this profession is a bold step,helping people overcome their fears and fears. The nurse's mission can not be considered as secondary, her courage can only be envied. People with a weak character most often do not choose this specialty, because it belongs to the category of charitable and popular.

certificate of a nurse moscow

Applicable to the profession, the nurse certificate serves as proof of the suitability of a specialist for work.