Now we will deal with the issue of how to get outfrom "Yandeks.Pochty." Services "Yandex" is incredibly convenient, and the appearance is intuitive. However, this question may arise if you are first encountering the interface of this system.

how to leave yandex mail
Before answering the question of how to get out of"Yandeks.Pochty", it is worth saying a few words about the service itself. The system "Yandex" gives its users a variety of different possibilities. In addition to being a powerful search resource, it also offers an e-mail.

To take advantage of all the opportunities of the project, you should create a personal account. After that you will be able to work in the Yandex system, solve various creative and working tasks.


To figure out how to get out of Yandex.First of all, you need to log in to the service, in other words, to create a personal account.For this purpose, you need to come up with a login and a password.Without specifying this data in the future, you will not be able to access the account. had a semantic load.

However, it is not difficult to find such passwords ifintruders to learn your personal information. Once the account in "Yandex" is created, you can use absolutely all the features that this system provides. Thanks to its own e-mail, you can receive and send letters. They can be sorted, stored and printed as needed.

Personal Information

Yandex Mail
That the mail on "Yandex" was registeredcorrectly, login and password is not enough, because you must also specify a number of personal data. Most often the mailer asks your name, patronymic, surname, as well as the place of birth and the date of this event. To restore the lost password, there are also special secret questions in the system. Note that the answers to them should be recorded somewhere.

And you should not trust the preservation of such data exclusively to the computer. It is better to use for these purposes a familiar notepad, which will always lie in a place known to you.


After finishing the work in your account, you need toto figure out how you can leave it. To this end, at the top right of the screen, near the login of your mail, find and click a small triangle. Thus, a special drop-down menu will open. In this menu, you need to select a button to exit Yandex.Mail.

Deleting mail

delete yandex mail
Just in case, let's talk about how to delete mail"Yandex". If you know your address (or login), the password from the mail and, in addition, the answer to the secret question you specified when registering Yandex-mail, this action is simple enough. Open "Yandex", go to your own mail and after that in the upper right corner click on the item "Settings".

In the window that opens before you, at the end of the page,click on "Delete". Then you need to enter a password from the mail to confirm the intention of deleting the account. Next, a window called "Passport" opens, here you should think carefully before clicking on the "Delete Account" button.

Of course, you can have other mailboxes. The main thing is, before deleting mail, do not mix up, do not forget about what important letters and what account is stored. By the way, if you logged into an account on a computer that does not belong to you, and for some reason forgot to log out, remember that Yandex allows you to leave accounts on all personal computers for this user.

To do this, select the appropriate menu item. So we figured out how to get out of Yandex.Mail, and also considered some other issues related to this service.