Vegetable cutlets are a delicious and inexpensive dish for the whole family. Vegetable cutlets can be different - carrots, potato, cabbage and even pumpkin.

To prepare pumpkin cutlets, you need to take: kilogram of pumpkin, 3 tbsp. spoons without a slice of semolina, a pinch of salt, 2/3 cup of milk, 2 eggs and 1-2 large spoons of sugar. Pumpkin is peeled and peeled, and then rubbed on a fine grater. Spread out in a frying pan, pour milk, sprinkle with sugar and salt, mix and stew until ready. When the pumpkin becomes soft, gently fall asleep a manga and cook, constantly stirring for another five minutes. In the pumpkin with the semolina, they interpose the egg and form the cutlets, which are crumbled in breadcrumbs. Fry the vegetable patties on both sides until they get a golden color and serve them for breakfast or an afternoon snack.

To make vegetable cutlets from beets you needTake: 3 beets, a bulb, a couple tablespoons of flour, 1 carrot and salt. Vegetables are cleaned and ground on a coarse grater. The resulting mass is mixed and salted. Add the flour, mix again and chop the cutlets. Then they spread on a baking tray lined with foil, and put in the oven for half an hour at a temperature of 200 degrees.

Vegetable cutlets:

Ingredients: a small vegetable marrow, carrots, onions, 1 potato, two large spoons of semolina, salt pepper, curry seasoning and egg. All vegetables are cleaned and rubbed on a coarse grater. Mix them with the egg, add salt, seasoning, semolina. Stir again and form cutlets, which are crumbled in breadcrumbs and fried on both sides on medium heat.

In spring, when the young nettle is knocked out of the ground, you can prepare vitamin patties with potatoes and nettles.

It will take: a pound of potatoes and a bundle of nettles weighing 200-250 gr., 1 egg and onion, nutmeg, flour and salt. The onion is finely chopped and fried for about five minutes in vegetable oil. To nettle does not burn, it is rinsed and put in boiling water for 3-4 minutes. Then remove and clean - remove the stems, leaving only soft leaves. Potatoes are cleaned, boiled, and when it is ready, knead it in mashed potatoes. The nettle leaves are finely chopped and mixed with potatoes. Add to them an egg, a couple of tablespoons of flour, salt and a pinch of nutmeg. All mix, form cutlets and roll them in breadcrumbs. Fry in butter and serve as a main course or garnish.

You can cook vegetable patties for a couple. Such cutlets are very useful and nutritious. They are great for diet and baby food.

To make delicious carrot cutlets you needtake: a pound of carrots, 2 tbsp. spoons of mango and granulated sugar, a little butter, raisins, 2 apples, vanillin and cinnamon. First you need to soak the raisins in hot water for a quarter of an hour. The apple is cut on a coarse grater, mixed with steamed raisins and stewed in a skillet with a little water and a piece of butter. Carrots are rubbed on a fine grater, poured with milk and stew until ready for 10 minutes. Carrots and an apple are combined, the egg is added, sugar, cinnamon and vanillin are added. Mass is mixed with semolina, form cutlets and roll them in breadcrumbs. Put them in a steamer and cook for 30 minutes.

Vegetable cutlets in a double boiler can be prepared from broccoli.

It will take: 400 gr. broccoli, 200 g.vegetable mix (any that is sold in the store in a frozen form), 1 large onion, tomato, half a glass of canned corn, flour, 2 cloves of garlic, dill and half a lemon.

Vegetable mixture and broccoli are boiled for a couple of minutes20. When vegetables become soft, they are very finely chopped and added chopped greens and tomato. The onions are cut and scalded with boiling water. Mix everything, add garlic, corn, squeeze out lemon juice, salt and form round cutlets. They are floundered in flour until they begin to hold the shape, dip the bread pan and send it to the steamer for another quarter of an hour.