Cauliflower takes many forms, amongwhich is a prestigious place is occupied by broccoli. The benefits and harms of this vegetable are not fully understood. Scientists are still finding out how useful the green beauty is, and who is recommended to use it for food.

broccoli good and bad

Broccoli: benefit and harm go hand in hand?

The green beauty is rightly considered the best representative of the genus of cauliflower. What is the reason for this? The answer is simple: with the highest content of basic substances in this form from all of their brethren.

In fact, that pantry of vitamins and other usefulsubstances makes broccoli a kind of immunomodulator, which allows to some extent reduce the risk of disease with tumors of both etymologies. This property of this type of cauliflower is due to a unique combination of antioxidants. In addition, broccoli contains special substances, the so-called anti-estrogens, which protect against unpleasant female diseases.

Broccoli will become indispensable for those who, by virtue ofage or physiological characteristics of the body suffers from a lack of calcium, which affects the bone system and eyes. Also this cauliflower is obliged to be present on the tables of those who suffer from poor work of the circulatory and digestive systems.

With all its merits, broccolicategorically contraindicated to those who suffer from pancreatic disease and have an increased gastric acidity. For everyone else, consumption of broccoli is good, and harm will not be done to health. So you can start to describe the recipes with this green beauty.

what to cook with broccoli

What can you cook from broccoli?

In fact, broccoli can be consumed in anyform. Fresh vegetable perfectly fits into the salad composition, thermally processed - in the first or second course. And even freshly squeezed broccoli juice is useful.

Salad "Moldova". To make it, you will need broccoli and marinated mushrooms with a mass of 200 grams, one cucumber, 150 grams of ham and mayonnaise or yoghurt sauce. To get such a delicious dish, you should let broccoli in boiling water for five minutes. After that all the ingredients are cut, mixed and watered with mayonnaise.

Soup with mashed potatoes. This dish will appeal to both adults and kids. To make it, 750 grams of broccoli, a pack of butter, one onion, thyme, nutmeg, thyme, 125 ml cream, pepper, and salt are needed. The cooking process is as follows: the onions are shredded and stewed over low heat, in butter. Five minutes later, combine the cabbage, water or broth with a volume of half a liter dissected into inflorescences, all the spices, except pepper and salt. The resulting soup should be on extremely low heat for 15 minutes. After that a serving of soup is poured into a blender and crushed in puree, and then served on the table with the remaining spices and sprinkled with cream.

what can be prepared from broccoli

What to cook from broccoli yet? There are many options - casseroles, meat, fish or poultry with vegetables and broccoli, you can also bake cake using green cauliflower as a filling, because the broccoli, the benefits and harms of which have been revealed above, is truly a universal vegetable.