One has only to go to any supermarket, as eyes run from the abundance of various products. Particularly popular is the department with sausages and sausages.

sausages from minced chicken
Apparently the love for these products in our countrywas transferred from Soviet times, when the People's Commissar for Food Industry Anastas Mikoyan signed an order on the production of sausages named: Doctoral, Amateur, Tea, and so on.


It's no secret that the availability of kitchen equipment facilitateslife of mankind, so now there is practically no home, wherever it is absent. Many use electric meat grinders, bread makers, juicers and, naturally, blenders. The latter firmly entered the life of modern people. Therefore, to prepare sausages from chicken minced meat or, for example, from beef is not problematic.

After spending half an hour of his time preparing thisdelicious dishes, you can be calm for the quality of the product, because in home sausages from chicken mince, no one will put dyes and preservatives. Sausages just melt in the mouth, and properly selected spices will make their taste unique. Consider several recipes for this dish.

Sausages from chicken mince in food film

The composition of this dish, in addition to chicken minced meat, includes: butter, chicken egg, coriander, salt, black pepper, red pepper and milk.

sausages from chicken mince in food film

Take a half a kilo of chicken without bones and skippedthrough a meat grinder. As an alternative, instead of scrolling the meat, it can be finely chopped with a knife. Fifty grams of butter is ground (passed through a meat grinder) and mixed with minced meat.

In a bowl with prepared forcemeat onea hen's egg, one hundred grams of milk is poured, coriander, salt, red pepper and black pepper are added and all this is well mixed. If the stuffing turns out soft and does not keep the form, then it can be thickened with two teaspoons of ground crackers.

The cooking process

The next step is to prepare yourselfsausages. To do this, take a bit of minced meat, from which small sausages are formed. Each sausage should be wrapped in a food film, and in several layers, and the ends to tie with threads.

In a saucepan, boil water, add a littlelarge salt and one by one to lower the sausages into the liquid. They cook about twenty minutes. Then they need to get out and carefully remove the film. In a frying pan heat the mixture of cream and sunflower oil and fry each sausage from all sides. Sausages from chicken mince in the film are ready.

In general, recipes for cooking sausages from chickenhave a common basis - this is chicken meat, egg, milk and spices. Only the ways of cooking and the presence of garlic and onions change. Consider another recipe.

Sausages of chicken mince in the oven

The composition of this dish includes carrots, onions, garlic,egg, salt and chicken fillet. Take a kilogram of chicken fillet and go into the meat grinder or through a blender, but so that the pieces of meat are felt. Two onions and one medium carrot are peeled off, washed, cut and stewed in a pan until soft for a couple of minutes.

In the fillet put roasted vegetables, squeezed outgarlic, the egg is broken. It remains to salt to your taste. Everything mixes well and the stuffing is ready. It is left on the table for about thirty minutes, and then the sausages are formed.

chicken sausage stuffed with minced meat in a film

To do this, take the foil and cut intosmall rectangles. If the foil is thin, then make two layers, each laid out a little minced meat and curled in the form of candy. The oven is heated to 180 degrees and baked sausages for thirty minutes.

Sausages from chicken minced meat according to this recipe are very delicious. Five minutes before the foil is ready to unfold, turn on the grill and bake until a ruddy crust. The dish is ready.


Such sausages are served with any side dish -boiled or fried potatoes, with mashed potatoes or broccoli, stewed cabbage, pasta with tomatoes and so on. There are a great many recipes for home-made sausages, but it's much easier and quicker to cook chicken.