Virtually every believer knows one or twothe stories of miracles that happened after the prayer of the icon of the saint. The elders, who in life served God and through His mercy helped people, and after their death they perform miracles. Clergymen say that if there are serious life problems or when a family is in trouble, it is best to immediately go to church and ask a sincere request to God. And in order to have an intercessor before His face, it is worthwhile to find an icon of the saint who can help you overcome difficult life situations. If you think that the whole world has turned against you, every new day brings new troubles and illnesses, and you have long lost the faith in the best, then be sure to pray before the icon of Alexander Svirsky. This saint is considered one of the most unique people, because for his good deeds and righteous life the Most High appeared to him in the form of the Trinity. Similar in the history of Christianity happened only with the Old Testament Abraham. This alone puts Saint Alexander Svirsky and the icon, written from his face after death, in a special series. Therefore, it is to this elder that people turn at the most difficult moments of life. Today we will tell you not only about the icon of Alexander Svirsky, but also about the life of the saint and the fate of his relics, which over the last centuries were lost several times and again returned to the Orthodox.

icon of Alexandr Svirsky

The life of the saint

Historians believe that Alexander was bornapproximately in the middle of the fifteenth century in the family of simple peasants. In the world he was called Amos in honor of one of the biblical prophets. Parents of the saint for many years prayed to God for posterity, they waited in vain for the birth of a son or daughter and were already desperate to wait for the birth of the child. Already in their old age, God-fearing peasants conceived the baby, and Amos appeared.

With him, parents connected all their dreams and hopes. According to their ideas, the young man had to undergo training, marry a good girl and give them a lot of grandchildren. However, since his earliest childhood Amos showed a penchant for praying and studying the Scriptures, so he was very reluctant to study at school.

This period of life of the old man is very well knownLittle. Later the monks, collecting together the history of the saint's life, mentioned that only thanks to his piety, the young man finished his studies. But after reaching nineteen years old, he firmly stated that he did not see his future life without God and intends to accept monastic tonsure.

The Way to God

Many Orthodox who received miracles fromthe icon of Alexander Svirsky, argue that even at the first glance at the image of the old man one can form an idea of ​​what kind of a righteous man he was. This is not surprising, because his way was completely predetermined by God.

The elderly mother and father were categorically opposedto let go somewhere his only and long-awaited son, but Amos secretly went to Valaam. He hoped that eventually they would understand the young man and forgive him.

Where exactly to go, the young man did not know, but to himthe angels appeared and gave the blessing from the Most High. They gave Amos a companion in a difficult journey, with which they reached the monastery. While they were walking, the saint repeatedly spoke with the angels, and they showed him a place where, sometime in the future, with the help of the Lord, he would build a new beautiful temple.

In Valaam, Amos became a novice and honestly performedhis hard work for seven years. The brothers loved him for their meek temper, fear of God, humility and wisdom. He walked confidently along his path and was ready to fulfill any will of God.

icon and prayer to the Reverend Alexandr Svirsky

Adoption of monastic vows and life in the monastery

About the icon of the Monk Alexander Svirsky walksa lot of unusual stories, but the saint himself for his life has done many amazing things. At the age of twenty-six, he took monastic vows, which he had dreamed of since childhood. He received the name of Alexander and spent in the monastery about thirteen years.

Since the saint was obedient to God's will,headed away from the monastery to the Roshchinsky lake. There he settled on a small island, where he built a simple dwelling and started digging a cave with his hands. Seven years he spent on this island in labor, fasting and prayer. Alexander produced food in the forest, most often his food became berries, mushrooms and roots.

In the future, the island where the elder lived, becamecalled the "Holy." And in the place of his dwelling and caves monks built a monastery. Pilgrims who come here show the same cave where Alexander Svirsky lived for seven long years.

icon of Alexandr Svir's meaning in what helps

The Trinity phenomenon

Once the saint appeared the face of the Trinity.He talked with the Lord about the future, the construction of the temple and how to gather brothers who will work for the glory of God. After these conversations and prayers, Almighty pointed out to Alexander the place where he should build the temple.

Immediately after that he went to the hegumenValaam Monastery. Asking for his blessing, he undertook the erection of a new monastery. He worked hard and was appointed hegumen of the new monastery, but this did not force Alexander to give up his job. He continued to build new structures together with his assistants, making the monastery more and more beautiful. So there was the Trinity Monastery, which gradually became known throughout Russia.

The rest of his life, Alexander spent in thismonastery. But the saint did not rest on his laurels; already in his old age he built a monastery from the stone in honor of the Virgin Mary, which exists until now. Alexander Svirsky died (about the icon written from him, we'll tell you in one of the following sections of the article) in the early thirties of the sixteenth century. At that time he was eighty-five years old. Eyewitnesses of those events said that at the time of death his face shone. Later this light was tried to convey when writing the icon of the Holy Rev. Alexander Svirsky. His brothers buried him in the Waste Pustynka, located near the Transfiguration Church.

Icon of the Holy Rev. Alexandr Svirsky

Finding the relics of the saint

Fourteen years after his death, the churchcanonized Alexander Svirsky. The icon with its face was not yet written, but the Orthodox clerics still expected many miracles when the saint's tomb was opened. His body was preserved imperishable, and power almost immediately began to exude a miracle. At the same time, there were so many of them that a bee flew to the church building, where the remains of the elder were directed.

It is interesting that the selection of the world depended onthe number of believers and the fact that there was a divine service at the moment. The Orthodox vied with each other about the fact that one touch of fragrant oil could take away sorrows from the soul and heal from illness.

Many said that during the life of the saint alsohelped the believers. Ordinary people often turned to him for advice in difficult life situations, and with his prayer he repeatedly removed from the suffering the most serious illnesses.

The loss and return of the relics

Before the revolution, the relics of the old man were in one of thecathedrals of St. Petersburg, where they were seized by representatives of the People's Commissariat. In the eighteenth year of the last century, the government fought against the religious worldview of the people, destroying churches and icons. What helps Alexander Svirsky was known far beyond the cathedral, so his relics and images were very interested in the revolutionaries. They carried out the excavation of the relics from the crayfish and disassembled it. In the newspapers it was announced that the believers were deceived for a long time and there was a wax doll in the church. In fact, the relics were sent for examination and the scientists, to their surprise, recognized them as genuine. For storage they were identified in an anatomical museum. And even his staff did not know which exhibit was delivered to them. It seemed that the trail of relics was lost forever, as well as the precious icons of Alexander Svirsky, whose photos at that time were carefully hidden.

In the nineties initiative groups conductedmuch time in search of the relics of the saint and only about twenty years ago they were found and solemnly returned to the Orthodox Church. This event took place in St. Petersburg, the icons of Alexander Svirsky at that time were in several monasteries and churches in Russia. And the return of his relics strengthened the miraculous power that the images of this amazing old man possess.

Alexandr Svirsky icon in what helps

Icon Description

What helps the icon of Alexander Svirsky, wewe'll tell you in one of the following sections, and now we'll talk about how his first image appeared and describe it. At present, the icon with the image of the old man is found in many churches. But few of the Orthodox know that it appeared only in the late nineteenth century. It is amazing that the icon of Alexander Svirsky was written (in Moscow she enjoys great respect among the Orthodox) was with relics. They are so well preserved that the features of the saint are not only distinguishable, but also well readable.

From the first image after the copies appeared, whichwent to monasteries and churches in Russia. Usually an icon is depicted on the icon with a wise and penetrating look to the believers. Many after the prayer it seems that he looks directly at them in the soul and reads in it all the most intimate.

Over the uncovered head of the Elder is a halo, andhis right hand is raised for the blessing of all those who come to the icon to worship. In the left hand the elder holds a staff that helped him stand firmly on his feet. Sometimes icon painters put into the hand of the elder the texts of Scripture, which he spent studying so much time during his lifetime.

icon of Alexandr Svirsky in Moscow

Icon of Alexander Svirsky: meaning, what helps

The image of the saint is very important for the Orthodox. It is known that the icon helps with many problems, and even monks and novices often appeal to it, who pray to the elder to strengthen them in faith and bring them to the path that they have chosen. Ordinary people can also refer to Alexander Svirsky in moments of spiritual turmoil and disbelief. If you begin to doubt the Supreme and His love for you, then be sure to come to church and look for the image of a saint. He will help you heal from doubts and trust the Creator.

Many infertile couples pray at the icon aboutgranting offspring. Some parents who have several daughters come to the saint with a request for an heir. It is said that sincere prayer brings its results in the form of a treasured bundle tied with a blue ribbon.

Clergymen send their parentsnovices who are going to take tonsure, to the icon of Svirsky. Often parents are very hard going through the care of their children to the monastery, they find it difficult to accept and accept this decision. Remembering that young Alexander also faced this problem and eventually managed to convince loved ones of the correctness and righteousness of his path, the believers turn to him for support.

They pray to the saint and about healing in the most difficult and hopeless cases. The sincere prayer of the patient and his family contributed to many miraculous recoveries.

Keep in mind that Alexander Svirsky helps and people who can not decide their life path, prioritize and ask for protection from sinful thoughts.

Icon and prayer to the Monk Alexander Svirsky

If you want to bow to the relics of a saint and pray at his image, then you can do it in the Holy Trinity Monastery in St. Petersburg. In Moscow, the believers can touch the images in two places:

  • the temple of the Life-Giving Trinity;
  • the church of the Monk Alexander Svirsky.

The text of the prayer, with which it is necessary to address the saint, we give below.

wonders from the icon of alexander svirsky

Do not forget that any appeal to the Most High and Holy should come from a pure heart.

Miracles and testimonies

Miracles from Alexander Svirsky's icon were seenmany people, monks carefully recorded all the testimonies of believers, some of which have already been counted for more than a hundred years. We can not bring them all in this article, but we just could not ignore some of the cases.

On the healing of diseases after numerousprayers for the image of the saint is known for a long time. He helped people recover from cancer, to see through blindness, to gain sensitivity when completely paralyzed. It is fixed that invalids, who for many years dreamed of rising again, suddenly gained strength in muscles and then came to thank the saint with their feet.

It is noteworthy, but sometimes Alexander Svirsky does notgave young people a tonsure. He came to them in a dream and spoke of another way, which the Lord had prepared for them. Thus, they were able to avoid the most important mistake in their life.

There are cases when even icons inhome iconostasis, began to melt. These miracles do not lend themselves to a logical explanation, like many other things that occurred in the image of the saint.

Clergymen say that if your souland you can not find yourself in this world of storms and injustices, then do not hesitate to come to the temple. Look at the wise and kind eyes of Saint Alexander Svirsky and tell him about everything that is a burden on your heart. Do not doubt that after a sincere prayer near the icon your life will sparkle with new colors.