A simple rainworm is an ordinary phenomenon. And he dreams about the most elementary things: he demonstrates your attitude to everyday life. And what did you do with it? If you looked - this is one thing, but if you press it - it's a completely different story!

what does a worm dream about
What does a worm dream about

Such an image says that you will have a pleasantefforts, even a very joyful journey. This is the case if the worms did not cause you irritation or disgust. Just crawling on the grass? So you became the object of slander. Do not worry. Soon gossips will forget about you, as someone else will cause their interest. Pressing a earthworm in a dream is a sign that you are too jealous. Your imagination plays with you a very evil joke. You are angry and worried, which negatively affects a person who is absolutely not guilty of anything. This situation can lead to the severance of relations. And this is for you nothing. Dreaming a worm? Understand, this is advice - learn to trust! If the worm got out of the ground, but was frightened and hid, and you saw it only in passing, then victory over the enemies is not far off! Fix, to the last point in enmity is one step!

what does a white worm dream about
What does a worm dream about? on the body

A terrible vision! Nothing but disgust, it usually does not cause. If the worm lives in your body, then you can seriously get sick. There are other interpretations of this dream, but they are all negative. Girls worms on the body are advised not to get carried away by the pursuit of the material. Very soon you will get what you dream about, but, alas, the desired will not cause you a state of happiness! You will understand that in addition to gold, there are other values ​​to which you should already strive! Why does a worm on a man's body dream? This image is also nothing positive does not promise. You are waiting for a loss. Well, if in a dream you can get rid of parasites, then the suffering will not last long. Soon you will regain your position. And what about the multi-colored parasites? Worms white - to the deviation from the spiritual path, black - to losses. Individuals are green - misfortune will turn into laughter, red ones to nervous breakdown, blue ones to cold.

what is the dream of worms white
What does the worm in food dream about?

See what your pleasure is from a mealviolated the appearance on the table of rotten dishes - to envy. The criminals literally jump out of their way to discredit your name in the eyes of society. However, they will not succeed! To worry about anything! Dreams of a white worm in food - to honor. Especially good if you ate this strange dish. Such a dream means that you will achieve respect with your mind and activity. People will recognize you as their leader, and they will follow you! Please note that this position will put additional responsibility on your shoulders. We need to prepare now, raising our spiritual level. If you saw that the dish is teeming with worms and experienced quite understandable disgust, then, the head of the head is not for you. However, there are other talents that need to be developed stubbornly and consistently. Then life will give you a surprise in the form of a decent financial position. Killing worms means that you are unnecessarily worried about trifles. Your excessive concern with your appearance or health exhausts others. Remember that not only do you deserve attention. Around a lot of people who have their own worries. Try at least sometimes to listen to others, and not just rant about your priceless person.