Summer vacation for many is associated with the tripat the dacha and unchanged shish kebab. And this requires the installation of a brazier. For a country house, this attribute is not so much a stylish addition to landscape design, as a useful accessory that allows you to prepare a delicious and beloved dish. Of course, you can buy a ready-made design that will consist of several fireboxes, shelves for food and dishes, firewood cavities. But most prefer a simpler and cheaper option - a homemade brazier made of metal.

What materials are needed?

homemade brazier from metal

Metal is the most suitable material forcreating a functional design. If necessary, you can arrange it on the side with special areas, where you can put clean skewers, harvested meat or necessary utensils. Stationary mangos from metal with their own hands are erected quite simply. Independently creativity should start with the preparation of materials and tools:

  • sheet steel (thickness of at least 1.5 mm);
  • corners for legs (size 25 x 25);
  • tubes with a diameter of 10-25 mm.

These simple, in general, materials will allow uscreate the simplest design in the form of a box with legs. To perform welding we will need a welding machine, electrodes, a Bulgarian, a drill and drills, a steel cutting wheel. To mangal made of metal, created by themselves, retained a beautiful appearance, the surface of the metal can be covered with heat-resistant paint or spray paint for cars that paint exhaust pipes.

Installation: stages of operation

drawings of mangal from metal

Having prepared the materials, it is necessary to sketch the drawingsmangal from metal. They will form the basis of the subsequent production process. So, first you need to mark the steel sheet according to the drawing and cut out the necessary elements by the Bulgarian. We need five rectangular products, a bottom, long and short sides. If the braziers of metal with their own hands are created without a welding machine, then around the edges of the products should be left approximately 30-40 mm. The main stages of the work are as follows:

  1. On long sidewalls, drill holes for air supply at a distance of 50 mm from each other.
  2. With the help of welding, collect the brazier, while the holes should be on the side bottom.
  3. Weld prepared legs to the bottom, it is important to ensure that they are attached firmly and at the same length.
  4. Dye the finished product.

mangal from the metal with their own hands

If braziers of metal with their own hands are createdwithout using a welding machine, then first you need to bend the left oversize on the second side. Drill in the middle of the hole and secure the two surfaces with bolts. Four cuts are made on the sides, which are bent at right angles inwards - this forms the base for the bottom. After the brazier is assembled, you need to attach the legs again with bolts. Well, the final touch is the painting of the finished structure. As for the size of the brazier, they are calculated individually. The main thing is to take into account the design features and convenience in further operation. The length of the brazier should take into account the distance between the skewers. Optimum is the length for 10 skewers plus the distance between them.