Water-based paint is used forstaining mainly ceilings and floors inside the premises. There are also varieties designed to decorate the facades of buildings. This type of decoration has a huge number of undoubted advantages and is unusually popular with the consumer. In this regard, many are interested in the possible consumption of water-based paint per 1m2. Knowing this parameter, you can accurately calculate the number of cans required in a particular case.

How to know the consumption of paint

The amount of money that should be expended per square meter of surface area is indicated by the manufacturer on the label.

consumption of water-based paint per 1 m2
Very convenient in this regard is also to order the paintonline. On the websites of many sellers there are special calculators for calculating the expense of the facility. But of course, it's not difficult to calculate the number of necessary cans yourself. All that is needed is to measure the surface to be treated along the length and width and calculate the area. Next, you need to know the consumption of water-based paint per 1 m2, viewing the information provided by the manufacturer on the label, and multiply both figures.

What can depend on the consumption of paint

The amount spent in this or that casemeans directly depends on what type of surface will be processed. In the event that the material of the wall or ceiling is characterized by high porosity or roughness, that is, if it is untreated concrete or wood, the paint will go a little more.

water-based paint for ceiling consumption
When using the same funds on the already stainedor carefully primed surfaces, respectively, less. When calculating the required number of cans, this must be taken into account. As for the primer, then the surface treatment in this way should be done necessarily. In this case, you should consult the seller regarding the variety of the product. Most often, an acrylic primer is used.

In the case of decorating the old surface, previouslyalready whitened, the consumption of water-based paint per 1 m2 will depend on the degree of its contamination. That is, on how many layers should be superimposed to get a qualitative result. Usually, for normal staining, two are enough. Accordingly, the paint consumption will increase by approximately one and a half to two times. Usually at home, the old layer is not removed. However, experts still advise him to clean. In any case, if it is heavily soiled, it's worth it.

Consumption of funds for the decoration of ceilings

consumption water-based paint for walls
At the moment, only three majorvarieties of water-based paints - designed for ceiling, walls and universal. When buying, pay attention to the specific purpose of the funds you need. The fact is that on the walls the paint should be somewhat more resistant to abrasion. After all, their surface in living quarters in this regard is exposed, in contrast to the ceiling surface, to serious loads. The purpose of the product is indicated on the label. When painting the top of the walls, a water-based paint for the ceiling is also sometimes used. Its consumption is approximately 1 liter per 10 m2. In some cases (but very rarely), this figure can be of the order of 1 l / 15m2.

Calculation of consumption for painting walls

As for the walls, in this case the calculationThe dye is produced in approximately the same way as in the case of the ceiling. First, after reading the information on the label, you will learn which area can be processed by one liter of the tool, and then calculate the actual consumption. Water-based paint for walls is also applied to the acrylic primer. The flow rate is approximately the same as in the case of walls - 1 liter per 10m2.

What else can depend on the consumption

The amount of color necessary for dyeingthe other surface of the tool depends not only on the roughness, porosity or smoothness of the surface, but also on what kind of tool was used during operation. So, the most uneconomical are long-haired or foam rollers. A little less paint will go away when using a tool covered with a bag of wool with medium length villi.

consumption of water emulsion per 1 m2
Significantly reduce the consumption of water emulsion1 m2 can be applied to the surface by means of a spray gun. Much in this respect depends also on the experience and skills of the master himself, who performs the work. In any case, it is worth buying a tool with some margin.

How to properly make the color

With proper and accurate painting, the paint consumption, of course, will be somewhat smaller. Below, we consider the most economical methods of surface treatment with water-based paint.

norms of consumption of water-based paint
When painting the ceiling in the first stageIt is necessary to draw a wide strip along its entire perimeter, using a conventional brush. When decorating walls, you also need to hold the strip, but only two - from the top and bottom. Smears must be performed in the direction of the light flux, that is, from the window. Having plunged the roller into the dye, it must be rolled out on a sheet of cardboard. Thus, the uniform distribution of the product over the cover is achieved. The second layer of the dye is applied perpendicular to the first. The agent is carefully and evenly rubbed on the surface.

If you use a fairly expensive importpaint, two layers, most likely, will be quite enough. In any case, in order to reduce the consumption of water-based paint by 1 m2, do not put it on the surface of a thick layer. A few thin - it's neater and more economical.

Apply a second layer only afterthe first one will dry completely. This condition must be observed. Otherwise, the surface will not be very smooth and attractive. The paint of this type dries quickly enough - in about two hours.

Thus, the norms of consumption of water-emulsioncolors depend on several factors. First, it is the type of surface to be treated. Secondly, the type of tool used in the work. Also of great importance in this regard is how correctly all the works were performed. Of course, in many ways the expense depends on the choice of the dye itself. Expensive options require no more than two layers on the surface. In the same case, if you buy a cheap dye, you will most likely have to process the surface at least three times.