About decorations of a country site spoke andalready wrote many authors, their ideas were offered by eminent landscape designers and home-grown flower growers. And for many of the townsfolk the expression "dacha fantasy, created by oneself" is not an empty phrase. People try to make their own handicrafts, sculptures, ornaments, but at times they are sorely lacking in knowledge. Let's collect the most creative advice and recommendations in one article and together we will go decorate our favorite site.

Dacha fantasy: we make crafts for the garden with our own hands

If you have a lot of oldcar tires - it's time to put them into work. From this nondescript material you get excellent flowerbeds, and with the proper skill you can create even garden figures of all kinds of birds and animals: a swan, a hedgehog or a donkey. To such crafts pleased the eye a long time, they should be covered with water-repellent paint in advance.

dacha fantasy

If all those around you think that you are -a born sculptor, you have the opportunity to prove it. Magnificent figures are obtained both from traditional gypsum or cement, and from not quite familiar materials, for example, mounting foam or foam.

Excellent looks on any stretch of wooden villa fantasy. With your hands, you can make beautiful compositions of logs, unusual twigs and flexible branches.

The original animal figurines can be made from dry grass. They are made quite simply: sheaves of hay are bandaged in certain places by bundles.

Crafts from plastic bottles are not less popular than ceramic garden figures. Moreover, this material is available at any dacha.

If you have accumulated a lot of old flower pots, do not rush to throw them away. From them, too, you can make great figures, for example, a scarecrow, with your own hands.

Your children will surely like the magica stone castle built in a secluded corner of the garden. You should put the stones with cement, and you can paint the castle with the kids - they really will like this job!

sewerage by own hands in the country

Dacha fantasy: we decorate the plot with our own hands

Decorate the garden in many ways, oneof which is lighting. Today you can buy a lot of original and unusual lanterns, with which you can highlight garden paths or arrange them in the corners of the garden, beautiful sconces will look great at the entrance to the house. And the building itself can be decorated with a multicolored garland, placing it on the perimeter.


Very good as an ornament of the plot looks garden furniture: wicker or wooden. However, it should be remembered that these items are short-lived and require constant care.

An interesting idea is to make a hut out of ... oldgarden tools. It is necessary to pick up the objects of the same height, fix them on top of the wire and wrap them with wild grapes or other climbing plants. Such a green hut would look great in an open place. For completeness, you can plant a hedge around the perimeter of the garden.

Do not forget about the colors that cannoticeably enliven any site. They can be planted on any flowerbeds - they can easily be built from old utensils, shoes, chairs and even from a decrepit chandelier. However, if you decided to plant the entire garden with flower plants, do not forget that in this case you should always have water and sewage at your fingertips.

With his hands in the country, you can make a garden of stones, and a decorative well, and much more. The main thing is that you have a desire to create and a lot of ideas that you can not wait to implement.