Summer residents and just flower lovers know for sure thatis a hydrangea garden. This plant can rightfully be called one of the most beautiful shrubs used in gardening. The bush which in height can reach 2 meters, during flowering is completely covered with large inflorescences, which often are white or pink. In our strip basically grow two kinds: hydrangea tree-like and paniculate. It is interesting that the plant grows in the wild in the eastern countries. If you also decided to plant a hydrangea in your garden, then you will not need to know how to take care of it properly.

Hydrangea garden: planting, care

I think the problems with the acquisition of seedlingsshould not arise. Hortensia garden is sold in flower shops, it can also be asked for divorce from friends. Planting of the flower is carried out either in autumn or in spring. In colder regions it is recommended to do this all the same in the spring.

If we talk about soil fertility, then to thisthe hydrangea garden factor is not very demanding. Nevertheless, it does not tolerate when the soil contains a large amount of lime. To be sure, the bush has got accustomed, it is best to prepare such a mixture: mix in a proportion of 2: 1: 1 humus, peat and sand. After planting, the soil needs to be loosened from time to time.

There are many plants that take care ofit is really very difficult. It is necessary to observe many conditions that the culture fully developed and abundantly blossomed. Care for hydrangea garden is not difficult, even for beginners in the field of floriculture. You should know that the plant does not like the sun, so shaded areas are best for it. Another important condition is abundant watering. If it is not produced in a timely manner, the inflorescences will be small. The first sign that hydrangeas lack moisture is pale and listless leaves.

Hydrangea garden must be fed. The first time is done during the landing, and in the subsequent spring and autumn. It is best for these purposes to use special fertilizers for hydrangeas, which will not be difficult to find on sale.

How to protect a hydrangea from pests

If you follow the simple rules of agricultural technology, thenFrom the beginning of July and through the deep autumn the bush will please with abundant flowering. This beauty is really indescribable. But it can happen that the plant will lose its neat appearance. If you suddenly notice that the leaves and inflorescences have become deformed, covered with a sticky mass, you know, these are signs of aphid life. If pests do not attack the bush very hard, try to get rid of them with soapy water. Otherwise, no insecticide can not be avoided. You can, of course, use folk remedies against aphids (tobacco, garlic, yarrow, etc.), and sometimes they help.

And some more useful tips

As already mentioned, the hydrangea has mainlywhite or pink flowers. But experienced gardeners know firsthand that their color can be changed artificially, by affecting the acidity of the soil. So, if you want to get blue or blue inflorescences, you need to add alum and iron salts to the soil every two weeks.

As for wintering, everything depends onfeatures of the microclimate of the site. Some summer residents do not warm the hydrangea at all, however, in this case there is a certain risk that the plant will freeze. Especially in the case when the window is frosty. That is why in the cold regions it is best to cover the garden hydrangea, for example, with spruce lagets.

Hydrangea garden will become your faithful companion in the garden. Along with the rose, lilac and other beautifully flowering shrubs, it will become a real decoration of the site.