Room flower dracene, care for which, according toto a large account, is quite simple - popular with florists and a very beautiful ornamental plant. Indoors, several species of Drazen are grown: fragrant, fringed, bent and others. In total, the genus Dracene, belonging to the family of asparagus, has more than one hundred species, most of which grows in Africa. It includes not only shrubs, but also massive trees. The largest of these is the Canarian Drachen, also called the dragon tree.

Room Drazena, care for which does not requirespecial hassle, in most cases is a palm-like plant. Linear leaves of the fragrant dracaena (D. fragrans) can grow up to 50 cm in length and up to 4 cm in width, their ends slightly hanging down. In room conditions, the height of the plant reaches two meters, and in the winter garden - ten. The color of its leaves can be either monochromatic, bright green, or bicolour, with light green or yellow stripes. By its name, this species owes small flowers, similar to white fluffy balls. Usually their aroma is so strong that it is felt throughout the room. Unfortunately, the dracaena is fragrant (the care for it should be the same as for other types of dracen) in the home, blooms infrequently.

Dracaena is bent (D. reflexa), in nature reaching five meters in height, unlike other species, when grown indoors branched. Many of its varieties with an unusual, variegated color of leaves are derived. Dracaena bordered (D. marginata) leaves long, up to 50 cm, and very narrow; in some varieties - with a red or yellow border. This plant effectively cleans the air in the room. Significantly different from other dracaena godsef (D. godseffiana) - primarily, its thin stalk and ovoid form of leaves. They are bright green in color, with cream or white spots. This dracene (care for it has its own characteristics, since the plant does not tolerate low temperatures) grows to an average height of 60 cm.

Care for various varieties of dracaena is practicallyis identical. The optimal air temperature for the plant in summer is from +25 to +28 degrees, but it also tolerates higher values. The period of dormancy in the dracaena is clearly not expressed, however, in winter it is advisable to take the flower to a cool room (with a temperature of + 16- + 18 degrees, the room (many types of dracen are calm to reduce it to +10 degrees Celsius). As for lighting, almost all dracaenes are shade-tolerant, however, they develop better in bright light. Variegated varieties in the shade may lose its bright color. In addition, dracen shoots, contained in a shaded place, are often stretched and bared. Most species of these plants do not tolerate direct sun rays: dry leaves may appear on their leaves.

On the lack of moisture dracaena (care of whichit is assumed regular, but not very abundant watering) reacts with the drying of the leaves. Water it after the ground in the pot a little dry. Filling is dangerous for the plant, as its roots can be rotten. In winter, watering a few reduce, focusing on how quickly the land dries up. In the intervals between watering, the top layer of the soil needs to be loosened. Moisture loving dracaena, care of which implies daily spraying, patiently tolerates the dryness of the air in the room. Nevertheless, it is desirable sometimes, in addition to irrigation of the leaves, to arrange a "shower" for it or wipe the leaves with a damp cloth. Water should be warmer than air in the apartment by about two to three degrees.

Propagate the dracenum with air layers,stem or apical cuttings (some species - seeds). Transplant it in a year, and a rapidly growing plant - every year: the roots of dracaena need space. The most suitable substrate for it is a mixed sod and leaf land with the addition of sand. Feed the dracenus from April to August every two weeks. For this, it is most convenient to use a complex fertilizer.