Dracaena with its beauty draws the attention of manylovers of indoor plants. In appearance, it is very similar to a palm tree, but in fact has nothing to do with it. In the whole world there are about 40 types of room dracen. Under favorable conditions, they can grow to a height of up to three meters. The leaves of this plant can be striped and monophonic. They will enjoy their beauty at any time of the year. Caring for dracaena is not difficult. The plant is unpretentious and can grow even in harsh conditions.

When buying Dracaena, one should take into account its variety. There are plants dwarfish, giant and ordinary. Your choice will depend on where it will stand. Caring for dracaena at home will not make it difficult for you. Especially if you choose the right version of it. The simplest in circulation are the dracene dragon, dracaena bordered and dracaena godsefa. They tolerate low temperatures and lack of light.

Care for dracaena involves the mostsimple actions - it's watering, fertilizing the soil, rejuvenating, removing dust from the leaves. In the warm season, dracenes prefer a moderate temperature, at least 15 degrees. In winter it can be cooler - from 10 to 12 degrees.


The best dracaena grows in a bright place, butwhile not taking out direct sunlight. In the penumbra it will also be good, but you will not see active growth. In winter, when there is a deficit of natural light, move it closer to the window. Artificial lighting is also suitable.


Like most plants, dracaena requiresabundant watering in summer and moderate in winter. It must be ensured that water does not stagnate in the pot. Also, the drying of the land is also bad. Caring for dracaena with narrow and wide leaves is slightly different. The latter requires more abundant watering, as more moisture evaporates from the wide leaf.

Air in the room where the dracaena grows canbe dry. But in this case, regular spraying of the leaves is necessary. It is very useful to arrange a warm shower from time to time. It will refresh the leaves and wash off the dust.

Soil fertilization

During the period of growth (mid-spring - end of summer), the dracene needs additional nutrition. Special complex fertilizers are applied to the soil in granular or liquid form.


Care dracaena assumes its periodictransplantation. The roots of the plant are in the upper part of the soil, in connection with this, a large drainage is made in the pot. While the plant does not take root, it will need support.


Dracaena reproduces by pieces of the stem or cuttings. They are rooted under a film. The optimum temperature is 25 degrees.

In the summer, if possible, dracaena is put onFresh air. It can be a garden or a balcony. In this case, it must be protected from the bright sun and wind. Open space and uniform lighting contribute to active and uniform growth.

Dracaena is a very beautiful and unusual plant. It can decorate any room. There are various useful houseplants, which besides a decorative function perform a number of others. Energy in the house can be improved by growing pelargonium, passionflower, ivy. Sage, thyme, cinnamon, eucalyptus and lavender will disinfect the air. Relieve tension and give a quiet sleep basil, lemon balm, geranium, jasmine. Various viruses and bacteria will help to destroy cypress, geranium, laurel, and pepermia. To improve memory in the house you need to have bergamot, lemon, thyme, mint, rosemary, basil. Diseases of the respiratory tract are treated much faster if the apartment has rosemary. It emits special substances - phytoncides. They facilitate breathing and kill germs.