With the poetic beauty of a blossoming cherry orchardno tree can compare. And, thanks to the majestic crown and bright red berries, the tree is beautiful not only in spring, but also throughout the summer. And how beautiful are the leaves of the cherry - elliptical, pointed, along the edges serrated, gently green in spring and different shades in autumn.


Cherries are loved by all gardeners for a slightly sour tasteberries and the opportunity to get a rich harvest. She is a little inferior in early ripeness to the berry. Some of its varieties begin to yield a few years after planting. And the most yielding yields 10-20 kilograms of fruit.

Relatively earlier maturation is anothervery valuable quality of this wonderful tree. Some varieties can be collected just after strawberries, but there are varieties and with a very late maturity. Correctly picking for your garden cherry trees of different varieties, you can eat cherries from early July until the end of summer. And what incomparable taste of cherry jam! And who did not try the sweet cherry liquors filled with summer heat?

Literally three decades ago on homesteadscherry varieties "vladimirskaya" and "lyubskaya" were the most frequent. Today, it is very difficult to list all varieties of this fruit tree. There are more than 200 of them! And the cherry, the photo of which sometimes even causes confusion among nonprofessionals, and in form can be different. There is a miniature felt, creeping, in the form of a bush.

cherry photo
But the most common in our gardens is cherryordinary. It has adapted well to the temperate climate of the central part of Russia, so it is not difficult for growers to grow it. True, to the north of Moscow the tree does not feel very comfortable. That's why there grow varieties that are obtained from Japanese cherry or steppe cherry, for example, "robin" or "generous".

The tree lives 30-40, and sometimes 100 or more years. The first harvest of Cherry Ordinary is already in the third year after planting. Her flower buds can withstand frosts up to 35 degrees. But even an insignificant drop in temperature after a thaw in the winter-spring period is very dangerous for it - you can stay without cherry jam. After all, with a sharp fluctuation in temperature, the kidneys lose their frost resistance. The tree itself, even after severe frost damage, is easily restored, so it is considered among the most fruit crops to be the most winter-hardy.

In the central part of Russia, cherrybring a harvest of 13-14 years. Cherries usually ripen on bouquet branches or on annual increments. Fruits contain about 8-12% of sugar, slightly more than 1% of acids and about 20% of dry substances. In addition, they found valuable tonic and anti-radiation substances, tannins, about 10% fructose and glucose, citric and malic acids, vitamins A, C, PP and much more valuable and useful.

Cherry Ordinary refers to the shade-tolerantcrops, although its harvest depends on the lighting. Usually, the more a cherry tree receives light, the more abundant will be its harvest. To the soil, the root system of the cherry is well adapted, although, of course, the tree grows better on light and fertilized lands, especially on the southern, western and south-western slopes.

Propagate basically this wonderful plant with the help of grafting or shoots. Although some experimenters, gardeners try to reproduce and cuttings.

cherry leaves
In recent years, a cherrya serious fungal disease, like coccomicosis, under the merciless action of which the crop is immediately lost, and then the tree itself. And the main means of fighting this disease has not been found so far. Scientists gardeners hope that the coccomicosis will recede, when the stocks and varieties resistant to it will be created.