Room rose is one of the most popular andall beloved home plants, but it, like many others, is prone to various infectious diseases caused by fungi and bacteria. In addition, indoor roses can survive and non-infectious diseases caused by unfavorable external conditions. Despite the fact that the plant is considered unpretentious and easy to care for, pathogens can spoil the life of both flowers and their owners. How to prevent and treat diseases of indoor roses?

diseases of indoor roses
In the first place, young or weak plants are prone to diseases, as well as those that are poorly and inattentively taken care of.

Powdery mildew

One of the most common fungaldamage to the room rose - powdery mildew, which can develop as a result of poor ventilation of the room, excessive fertilization, crowding of plants in the same room. The disease manifests itself in the form of a white coating on the leaves and stems. With the development of this disease of indoor roses leaves wither and fall away. Mildewy mildew is treated by removing the affected leaves and buds and treating them with fungicides.

Downy mildew

This and the previous illness are often confused. The difference is that in case of downy mildew the plaque is observed only on the lower part of the leaves. At the top, you can find yellowish spots. Such a lesion spreads, as a rule, on wet leaves, and is treated with fungicides.

roses diseases and pests
Rust of roses

Continuing to talk about the diseases of indoor roses,it is impossible not to recall the so-called rust. This disease manifests itself in the appearance of red or brown pustules on the leaves of the plant. The main reason is improper care. In order to prevent this disease, you should not forget about the timely airing of the room, the correct temperature regime, humidity and other features of care for a room rose. If the rose is already affected, leaves with pustules are removed and the bush is sprayed with special means.


This disease is very common. If you notice that brown leaves appear on the leaves of the plant, which gradually increase and merge into one, hitting the entire leaf is a spot. The disease can be caused by bacteria and fungus. It is treated by removing the affected leaves and shoots and spraying with drugs with copper. Usually, after this illness, watering is reduced and spraying stops for a while.

house rose disease

A room rose, whose diseases are numerous andvery common, can also be affected by pests. The most common of them is a spider mite. It appears as a result of a lack of moisture and dry air in the room. If you find bright spots on the rose, gradually turning into spots, you are dealing with a spider mite. Rinse the web with roses and take care of increasing the humidity. To flush the leaves, you can use mite remedies for animals. When these actions are done, treat the plant with acaricides - special preparations from the described pest attacking roses.

Diseases and pests do not end there. You can also encounter a rosy aphid attacking leaves and buds. Thrips, another pest, causes stains and deformed flowers. The leaves turn brownish with shine. In this case, the plant should be treated with insecticides.

Do not forget that proper and timely care is the best prevention of any disease of indoor roses. All that is needed for their health is fresh air, proper watering and a bright room.