Clematis will not leave anyone indifferent. Chic flowers of various shapes and colors blossom on their graceful legs from the beginning of June and until the coldest. Depending on the variety, they can grow in a compact bush or stretch a liana up to 10 meters in length.

These winding plants of the family of the buttercup genusfrom hot Spain, so some gardeners fear that caring for them will be very difficult. Cultivation has its own characteristics, the most important of which are a successful choice of location, timely top dressing clematis, proper pruning.

Fertilizing during planting

top dressing clematis in the spring
Clematis in one place can grow over 30years, so the land before planting should be prepared very carefully. The pit should be filled with humus (2 buckets), add 1 bucket of sand and peat, 0.5 liters of wood ash, 100 grams of superphosphate and complex mineral fertilizer. Clematis like alkaline and neutral soil, so when planting it is desirable to add a handful of dolomite flour. The use of fresh manure and sour peat can ruin clematis.

top dressing clematis

Fertilizing in the first year after the spring planting is not carried out. In the future, the amount of nutrients in the soil decreases, and the plant needs fertilizers.

Alternation of dressings for abundant flowering

The first fertilization of clematis is carried out in Mayafter sprouting regrowth. The second is during the budding period. The feeding of clematis in the spring stimulates their growth and development. At this time, the plant badly needs nitrogen. To do this, any complex fertilizer with an increased nitrogen content (on the package labeled with the letter N). Further, the soil under the plant is spilled by lime milk and mulchiruetsya.Chtoby get a strong, abundantly blossoming clematis, feeding should be carried out throughout the vegetative period of the plant, about 2 times a month.

During the summer, mineral dressings alternate withorganic. For mineral dressings, a matchbox of complex fertilizer is used on a bucket of water. For organic - infusion of herbs (1-2 liters), bird droppings (1:15), or fermented slurry (1:10).

clematis top dressing

Since August, nitrate fertilizers have not been used, theirplace takes phosphorus. Its shortage can cause leaf rustling, inhibition of root and shoot growth. If potassium nitrate or ammonium nitrate was used for feeding in the spring, then in the second half of the summer it is necessary to replace it with potassium sulfate. Shoots must fully mature, so that by winter the gardener has a strong, ready-to-winter clematis. Top-dressing with phosphorus in September is performed with the main dressing in the form of bone meal, simple or double superphosphate. However, an excessive amount of phosphorus in the soil can cause premature aging of the plant and provoke the incidence of chlorosis. To neutralize the effect of phosphates in the soil once every 2 weeks, iron sulfate is added.

The key to success is good soil

On well-aerated cultivated lands, the rootthe clematis system extends to a width of up to 1 m from the base of the bush and up to 80 cm deep, which allows the plant to select from the soil minerals and trace elements that are missing for vital activity.

Correctly planted clematis, which is applied correctly and fully, always blooms abundantly and tolerates the winter well.