The breed of toy terrier has been used for a long timegreat demand and respect. In the history of the world, there are many references to these lovely creatures. Thus, the German chronicles say that as early as the end of the 8th century AD the Czech ambassador as a symbol of the world presented Karl the Great with a small black-brown dog that was placed in the palm of his hand. And in the middle of the 11th century, the Polish king Boleslaw II had several toy-terriers. In Russia, this breed became popular near the end of the 1960s.

How to choose a toy-terrier

First of all when buying a puppyask the breeders to show his mother. It would be superfluous to see the father of the baby, but most of the dogs are from other owners. When examining the mother, it is important to pay attention to whether she is a calm and balanced dog with a traditional anatomy. If she begins to tremble, be afraid or show excessive aggression, then this indicates the instability of her mental state, which can be transmitted at the genetic level.

It is also worth paying attention to the behavior of thepuppy. The Toy Terrier breed is distinguished by its activity and playfulness. Outward signs in the puppy should be a shiny coat with no visible bald patches. It is worth noting that the young toy-terrier has several zones where the skin can be seen, for example at the temples and in the chest area. It is important that the dog's ears and eyes are clean. Any discharge in these areas indicates a puppy's disease. The nose should be moist and slightly shiny.

breed of that terrier
When choosing a pet it is recommended to drawattention and on his teeth. Toy-terrier should have a proper bite, even if it's only about a month old. It is important that the fangs are not moved forward or backward. By the age of 1.5 months, the puppy should have 12 milk incisors.

When buying a toy-terrier, you should also learn itPedigree, which is recorded in the special passport of his parents. After the first vaccinations, the puppy has his own document proving his basic veterinary indices. In small dogs, many diseases are widespread, which can later be transmitted to the rest of the animals and hosts. Therefore, when choosing a pet so important is his veterinary passport, in which must be noted vaccinations made to him, and then his pedigree.

Caring for toy terrier

Dogs of this breed are very unpretentious, and care for them is not required. Most often, the Toy Terriers do not need haircuts and regular combing. Trimming these pets is also not needed.

If family members are constantly busy and do not havea lot of free time to give to his dog, in that case the ideal option is just the toy terrier. Care and maintenance of this breed will require minimum effort. This is one of the many advantages of toy terriers. What you need to pay attention to is the eyes, ears, wool and claws.

that terrier care and content
When bathing a pet should beuse the appropriate shampoo to prevent skin from breaking off, and there was no itching. Claws of toy terriers grow and sharpen very quickly, so they need to be cut regularly. Problems with the teeth of this breed is almost never, however, once a month it will be superfluous to clean them with a special paste. Caring for the toy terrier also involves rubbing the eyes and ears with a wet cotton pad a couple of times a week.

Pet Content

When buying a puppy, it should first of alltake care of its place for sleeping indoors. It should not be in the aisle where the wind will constantly blow, next to the radiators and batteries. The puppy should sleep in a cozy and warm place, which is a kind of a house, that is, a closed space so that the baby can quietly retire to sleep. Often pets hide in their "nests" toys or food.

How should the place look where it will restToy Terrier? Care and maintenance of these dogs is to create for the pet the most comfortable for his life and growth environment. Any puppy in the early stages of development with special zeal knows the world around him, starting from his rightful place. Therefore, it would be superfluous to choose a suitable litter, which the pet could and gnaw, and snuggle into her nose during sleep. The best option is an old sweater or a large fluffy towel. Pillows or mattresses are strictly excluded, as they contain stuffing, which will later be found throughout the apartment or may become stuck in the respiratory tract of the puppy.

the content of that terrier
The most important points to be addressedattention, when a toy-terrier appears in the house, - care and maintenance, as well as an understanding of what the puppy needs and from what it urgently needs to wean. You can not take your pet with you to bed. The temptation is great, but in the end it can lead to disastrous consequences. The bone system in such breeds of dogs is very fragile, so a jump even from the height of the sofa can lead to a serious fracture. There have been occasions when adult toy-terriers in a dream fell from a bed and died from their injuries.

Representatives of this breed are always veryinquisitive, so it is important to limit their access to electrical wires. Also, pay special attention to the content of the toy terrier during vaccination. Within a few days after the injection, the pet's body is very weakened, so it is necessary to exclude its contact with street shoes and dirty floors in the hallway. During this period, the immune system of the dog is especially vulnerable to infections.

In the case of repair or cleaning on the floor should not be small items, because for the toy-terrier enough small piece of wallpaper with a pea to choke.

The basics of proper feeding

Despite the tiny sizes, the toy terriersare predators, so they need constant protein food. The daily menu of the representatives of this breed must necessarily include meat. It should be noted that pork and lamb are strictly contraindicated. The ration of the terriers should also contain sour-milk products, porridges and boiled eggs. It will not be superfluous once a day to enrich the pet's menu with boiled vegetables. In turn, it is recommended to protect the dog from sweet and flour products, as well as from legumes and spicy dishes.

care for that terrier
The feeding of the toy-terrier must pass throughtimetable. Up to 4 months, the daily ration of puppies should be divided into 5 parts. From one year the pet should receive food 3 times a day. With the return, the dog will start dosing its daily menu.

Pet education

Toy Terrier is much easier to train thanrepresentatives of many other breeds. This is a very smart dog, which is easily able to assimilate any team. When raising a pet, it is important that he understands and fulfills the master's requirements from the very first time. Teams are recommended to work out on the street and at home, so that the dog performs them regardless of its environment.

Toy Terrier
Toy-terriers very quickly understand where their toilet is, what things can not be gnawed at, with whose hands you can eat. The main thing is to put the pet in a timely manner and allow him to explain them clearly.

How to teach to the toilet

Learning a puppy for cleanliness is a prioritythe task of its owners. It is best to accustom the pet to the toilet at the age of up to two months. For this purpose, a special cell with a pallet is suitable. Puppies often cope with poverty where they sleep. A few days later the pallet will be saturated with a smell, and it can be removed from under the cage. Subsequently, the puppy will need to be regularly put on him, so that he will understand where to continue to cope with poverty.

feeding that terrier
Toy Terrier, whose care and maintenance does not require special skills, is rightly considered one of the cleanest and smartest dogs.

Advice on walking

There is an opinion that representatives of this breedyou can not walk on the street, since they can quite manage the need in the tray, like cats. In the event that the window is very cold or windy rainy weather, this option is the most acceptable. However, nature always takes its toll, and if you imprison your pet in four walls, whining and barking will not take long.

Care for toy terrier involves regularwalks in the open air. On the street, the dog can stay for a long time, if the weather disposes to it. Upon returning home, you should wash your paws and wipe it dry.

Vaccinations for Toy Terriers

Traditionally, they are divided into 2 stages: the first make a puppy at the age of 6 weeks, and the second - a month later.

vaccinations to those terriers
For travel it is necessary to vaccinate a pet from a plague of carnivores, leptospirosis, hepatitis and enteritis. Vaccinations for those terriers from rabies are done at the age of 3 months.

Information on all injections made is recorded in the veterinary passport of the pet. Each vaccine must be certified with the appropriate seal.