The most crucial period in the life of every woman- Pregnancy. It is during the gestation of the fetus that it is necessary to treat the physical and emotional state as much as possible, as this greatly affects the health and correct development of the child.

Future mothers should pay attention to theirdiet. It is important to exclude from it those products that are capable of harming the body. As a rule, particular concern is caused by nutrition components that contain a lot of calories. But is it worth it to deny yourself the pleasure? Let's see if it's possible to maize during pregnancy, and consider its useful properties.

Nutritional value and composition of cereals

corn in pregnancy

The nutritional value of corn is determined by a number of useful microelements, minerals and vitamins. To such it is possible to carry:

  1. Retinol (vitamin A).
  2. Niacin (vitamin B3).
  3. Folacin (vitamin B9).
  4. Ascorbic acid (vitamin C).
  5. Thiamine (vitamin B1).
  6. Potassium.
  7. Magnesium.
  8. Iron.

All these minerals and vitamins are extremely neededthe body of any person, especially when it comes to expectant mothers. From this it can be concluded that corn during pregnancy is an incredibly useful cereal, capable of having a positive effect on both the woman and the fetus developing in the womb. By including it in your diet, you can greatly ease the course of pregnancy, strengthen health.

Caloric value

boiled corn in pregnancy

Concerning the caloric content, we can say that shereally is at a high level, but not on the beyond. 100 grams of boiled sugar corn is about 123 kilocalories. The daily rate for a pregnant woman is 2000-2500. Permissible moderate use of the product within the allowed diet.

Excess weight

Include in the diet of corn during pregnancy, you canand those women who are afraid of extra pounds. Even with a huge desire, it will not be possible to gain weight, since this cereal contains a minimum of carbohydrates. Calmly enjoy a pleasant taste and do not worry about the possible obesity.

Benefits for the body

The use of corn during pregnancypositively affects women's health. We will open one more advantage of a product: the delicacy is easy enough to prepare, that will help to save a lot of time and forces.

Consider the useful properties of cooked corn. In pregnancy, it is important to consider the composition of food.


  • Vitamin A, responsible for the creation of protein compounds, andalso visual pigments. This vitamin is extremely important for the body of any person, as it normalizes blood coagulability and favorably affects the mucous membranes.
  • Vitamin B1, which is extremely important in the period of gestation. It is on this element that the future child's health depends. Deficiency of the vitamin is capable to provoke a backlog in development. It also has a beneficial effect not only on the mother's nervous system, but also on the formation of the baby's neural tube.
  • Vitamin B3, which plays an important role in the work of the thyroid glandand adrenal glands. It is an excellent antidepressant, quickly relieves nervous tension, increases the level of stress resistance. Normalizes the circulation of blood in small vessels, from which the fetus receives all vital substances. Deficiency of this vitamin can provoke a miscarriage.
  • Vitamin B9, regulating the most complex process of cell division, which prevents the appearance of anemia. He is also responsible for the physical development of the fetus.
  • Vitamin C, capable of quickly removing toxic substancesfrom the body, strengthen the immune system. It promotes the proper functioning of the intestines, helping to assimilate the resulting iron. Visibly reduces the permeability of capillaries.
  • Magnesium. An extremely important element necessary forformation of bone tissue. It favorably affects metabolic processes, and also strengthens the nervous system. During pregnancy, the body's need for magnesium increases by about a third.
  • Potassium. It takes a direct part in the metabolism of carbohydrates, normalizes the work of the heart muscle. Deficiency of this element can lead to edema formation.
  • Iron. Its role is hard to overestimate. This element is the key in the process of formation of the head and bone marrow, hematopoiesis.

corn during pregnancy

The benefits of corn during pregnancy are obvious.However, this does not mean that you need to buy cereals as soon as they are on sale. The optimal option - corn, grown in your garden. You will be completely sure that it is not impregnated with various chemicals that are added to fertilizers of questionable quality. If you do not have a land plot, do not hesitate to demand a quality certificate from the sellers.

Corn in pregnancy: in what form is the most useful?

The simplest and most common recipecooking - boiled corn. It can be consumed both independently and added to salads. But in our case, it is better to avoid adding mayonnaise and other unwanted ingredients. The most useful salads are from corn and fresh vegetables. For example, you can take a couple of boiled eggs, one fresh medium-sized cucumber, corn grains (one cob), sour cream, greens and salt. All cut into small pieces, mix and give a little infusion.

is it possible to maize during pregnancy

This salad will not only taste good, but alsouseful. Cucumbers and corn will help get rid of edema, as they have a diuretic effect. Eggs will give vitality, because they contain a lot of proteins. From greenery the body will receive the necessary vitamins.


Corn during pregnancy is useful only in freshor frozen. Try to abandon canned cereals, as they contain a lot of sugar, which can provoke rapid weight gain and a malfunction in the pancreas.


corn after pregnancy

If there is cooked corn, grown withoutadding nitrates, you can not worry about the consequences. However, it is worth remembering that in everything you need to know the measure. The optimum portion, which will saturate your body with all useful elements, should not exceed 150-300 grams per day. The use of corn in large quantities is extremely dangerous for the health of the fetus because of the high concentration of retinol.