Today a first-grader entering the school,should read well. This is one of the main criteria for preparing for modern school education. Basically, the task of teaching a child to read falls on the shoulders of his parents.

Before you teach a child to read, parents need to understand what mental processes help in the formation of this skill.

Memory promotes visual memorization and reproduction of the image of letters, letters, syllables and whole words.

Attention, its volume and distribution, help the child to keep in the "field of vision" a certain number of letters, syllables, words.

Thinking is responsible for the synthetic-analytical reading process, stimulates the development of phonemic hearing, which allows us to assimilate the sound and letter composition of the word.

Good pronunciation and broad outlook also play an important role in the formation of the reading skill.

Developing mental functions, parents create a foundation on which it will be easy to learn not only reading, but also writing, counting.

How to teach a child to read at home without the help of teachers of preschool? Firstly, we will never rule a child to read. All we want to do is call a game.

In the game, we learn letters. Letters must be everywhere: cubes, pictures, placatics, magnets, etc. Letters can be drawn, cut, glued, made up of a designer. Well, if a child can touch a letter created by his own hands from different materials: a fabric of different texture, millet, clay, etc. The tips of the fingers also "remember" the letter.

How to teach a child to read by syllables? This is the next step in home reading. Do not confuse the child, explaining to him that: "VE and A is VA". How many "extra" sounds in this phrase?

It is better to purchase a syllable table or make cards with syllables yourself. Again we play, memorizing at once a whole syllable: Va, Ri, Su. The child visually perceives at once the entire image of the syllable.

In parallel, we develop a phonemic hearing. For a child it is important to learn how to distinguish words from speech, from words sounds and syllables. With sounds, too, you can play: a) find around the word with the sound "n"; b) guess the word in which the first sound is "t"; c) in which word the sound "a" hid. These and similar games will not only teach the child to be attentive to the word, but will also become an excellent assistant when it is necessary to occupy something with a child.

The next game can be a bridge in trainingreading. We guess what word is intended. The adult calls the word by the sounds: K-O-T, and the child pronounces the whole word. First we make small words, then more authentic.

It is already possible and for books to be accepted. Consider carefully the page, let's name familiar letters, syllables. We try to call syllables-mergers, holding out a consonant sound: in-in-in-a.

But here is mastered the syllabic reading. How to teach a child to read fluently? First we'll work on pronunciation. Any poem that a child knows by heart can be turned into a game. We will tell the poem quietly, loudly, smoothly, as a song we sing, like a bird market. Such speech charging helps develop articulation. When the child begins to read, we warn that our tongue does not cut words like an ax of firewood. The tongue pronounces the syllables smoothly, like a duckling along the river floats.

The performance of a junior schoolchild is characterized byon assessments only, but also some indicators of the development of teaching skills. One of them is the technique of reading. How to teach to read a child quickly? It is necessary to adhere to the following rules:

  1. Additional reading should be regular andconstant. Every evening a child should be read aloud. Let in the beginning this be one page, then the number of pages increases. Choose literary material in accordance with the interests of the child.
  2. Do not forget about the game. We read along the chain: first mom, then son; read by roles; We read only short words, then only long ones; read the words with the letter combinations ORO, OLO, EPE, etc. You can come up with many interesting tasks for joint reading. Parents show an example of smooth, fluent reading, the child tries to imitate.
  3. Continue to develop attention and memory. The better these processes are developed, the faster the reading skill will be formed.
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