How to name the future baby? Each married couple inevitably faces this issue. In fact, choosing a child's name is not as easy as it seems. Quite often this controversial issue can cause quarrels and disagreements between future parents. After all, each name is necessarily associated with some familiar person, as a result of which all the negative and positive qualities of this person we associate with a certain specific name. Therefore, when we name a child, we build a certain list of nice people close to us, from which we make our choice. However, do not rely solely on your own associations, listen to other options for resolving the issue of how to choose a name for the child. Let's consider some of them.

There is an opinion that the sounds from whichthose or other names, entering into resonance with certain organs of the body, are able to excite different zones of the brain, thereby giving their owners certain qualities. It is believed that people with the names of Jeanne, Igor, Daria, Dmitri are distinguished by perseverance, determination, stubbornness and strong-willed character. Michael, Vera, Vasily, Alexey, Svetlana, Ilya - soft and singing names, their carriers are distinguished by kindness, responsiveness and compliance. People named by names Pavel, Roman, Vitaly, Artem, Anna, Andrey, Zoya, Lyudmila possess balance and reasonableness.

You can choose a name for the child based on the monthbirth of a baby. For example, babies who were born in February and December, usually differ stubbornness and emotionality. Therefore, they should be called by softer names, such as Angela, Andrei, Alexei, Mikhail. Born in the summer are more inclined to activity and mobility, in this case it will be ideal if they are called Constantine, Igor, Dmitry.

Choose the name of the child you need, based on his patronymic. We should not allow a big dissonance between these important components. First and foremost, this will cause confusion among the surrounding people, and the baby himself can grow up to be a shy and insecure person.

Going to pick up a name for a child, immediately excludeThe possibility of repeating the names of relatives who died as a result of the tragedy. Their aura, connected with grief, can not give rest to the person all his life, bringing all new troubles and misfortunes. Do not think that this is superstition. This pattern was confirmed in scientific studies.

It is not recommended to call a baby toooriginal or invented by you names. After all, they separate the baby from the cultural environment. And the names that come to us from the popular foreign television series and cartoons, do not bring joy to your child, with them he will feel like a "black sheep" and can acquire certain complexes.

You can name your baby by the name of one of the parents. But it is believed that such children will constantly be under pressure, as they are prepared to live in perpetual comparison with their mother or father.

Remember that you should not call a girl a manname, it will not be easy for her to communicate with her peers. Recollect, what insulting jokes fabricates children, and try not to admit that your kid has been notorious or angry with others through your fault.

Make every effort to ensure that relativesaddressed the child with the name given at birth. Prevent any attempts to call crumbs as they please. This can provoke a subconscious inner split, leading to the baby behaving differently with parents and grandparents. Such innocence at first sight can lead to a whole series of negative consequences.

Based on the above features, carefully consider how to choose a name for the child, and make the right choice.