Didactic games in the preparatory groupimportant for preschoolers. Thanks to them, children easily learn. Games help to develop, fantasize and remember the material. There are a variety of didactic games. Each of them is needed for a specific purpose. Read more in the article.

The role of didactic games in the development of preschool children

Children in the preparatory group are preparing for school. For easier training and education, preschool children are offered didactic games. Thanks to them, the child learns the world around him, develops cognitive activity, solves learning tasks.

didactic games in the preparatory group

Didactic games in the preparatory group are very important. They teach children attention, imagination, thinking. Even inert children can be interested in the necessary material.

When games are selected, adults should remember,that they should comprehensively develop preschoolers. Encourage the child's interest and form his skills for a variety of activities. Children in this age should learn to write stories and analyze them.

Didactic games help children developcognitive abilities, replenish vocabulary, develop comprehensive abilities (glue, sculpt, cut, etc.). Before the session it is necessary to have a conversation with the children, to show visual material, to explain the rules of the game.

Functions of didactic games

Training is a complex process. However, if you engage in a playful form, the children become interested. Psychologists and teachers distinguish such functions of the game:

  • Entertaining. The child becomes interested, his interest in the activity awakens.
  • A communicative function is a norm of behavior that is absorbed by children.
  • Self-realization. The child learns everything that surrounds him. He is more and more realized every day.
  • Therapeutic. Children learn to overcome difficulties, find compromises with their peers, listen to more experienced people.
  • Diagnostic. This function helps educators, psychologists and parents understand the norms and deviations of behavior.
  • Correction. The child changes daily for the better. He learns to work on himself and see his mistakes.
  • Socialization. Teaches children to communicate in society.

Teacher A. Makarenko argued that with the help of games, the will is developed, collectivism is formed and practical skills are formed. If children are interested in spending time in class, then they do not get tired, but their ability to work is maintained.

Didactic games: goal

The preparatory group prepares children for school. They need a lot to learn. Therefore, all didactic games in the preparatory group are offered to children with a specific purpose. After all, they must understand and know even the most necessary things. Educators set their goals:

card file of didactic games in the preparatory group

  • To acquaint children with natural material.
  • To acquaint with inanimate nature.
  • Teach a preschooler to determine food for an animal.
  • Strengthen knowledge of nature.
  • Recall all seasons.
  • Develop attention, memory and logical thinking.
  • Learn the characteristics of domestic or wild animals.
  • Strengthen a good attitude to others and love of nature.

All of the above goals are necessary for teachersfor even and proper training. In the preparatory group, children are often offered games related to the theater. Thanks to them the preschooler reveals himself as a person. He enters the role and learns from his hero to adopt positive qualities.

Didactic games, their files in the preparatory group

In order for a child to develop from all sides,the plan is written. It consists of educators for more correct education. The card file of didactic games in the preparatory group covers classes of various kinds. This development of speech, mathematics, ecology, applique, music and much more.

For each lesson, the goal is determined. If you need to teach the world around you, the teacher offers children free drawing, where the child develops imagination and memory. With the help of the lesson, the children remember what they saw on the eve and try to reproduce it on paper.

didactic games in the preparatory group on ecology

For the development of speech, you can think of any game, whereYou need to express your thoughts with words. Children will be able to invent a fairy tale, and on it to create a play and distribute roles. Thanks to this game, children learn not only to talk, but also to communicate with their peers.

To study mathematical representations,teach color, orienteering in space, numbers, geometric shapes, din, width, height, and more. Daily planning of tutorials by educators will help children to learn the material.

Card file of didactic games in the preparatoryThe group helps not only pre-schoolers, but also educators. Thanks to them, teachers deal with children, train, test skills and abilities. If there is no card index, educators will not be able to give preschoolers the knowledge they need.

The study of ecology with the help of didactic games

Educators need to teach children to lovenature, keep it clean and take care of plants and animals. Therefore, didactic games in the preparatory group on ecology are compiled once a week.

Didactic game: "The Forest Train"

Purpose: to consolidate and systematize knowledge of children about animals, birds and insects.

Material: cards with animals, birds and insects; two cardboard trains (3 cars are attached to each).

The teacher suggests choosing two teams of 3 people. Children should plant forest animals in the first car, in the second - birds, in the third - of insects. Which team will cope faster - will win.

"What do animals eat?"

Purpose: to form an idea of ​​the nutrition of domestic and forest animals.

Material: cards with animals and food for them.

didactic games in the preparatory group for phogos

The teacher conducts a conversation about domestic and forestryanimals, shows pictures to them. Chooses two teams and distributes cards with animals and food for them. For example, pictures with a squirrel, a hare, a fox, a dog, a parrot, nuts, carrots, ptarmigan, bone, grain. All these cards must be mixed. Children as soon as possible should find the right pictures. For example, a squirrel with nuts, a hare with carrots, etc.

Each didactic game shapes the child's perception of the world around him. It is necessary to consolidate the skills and abilities of preschool children. Then he will go to the first class a prepared child.

Teaching speech development with the help of didactic games

Children need to be given not only an idea ofecology. Needed didactic games for the development of speech. The preparatory group is an important period of the child. Thanks to the games, the children supplement their vocabulary, learn to speak, express and formulate their thoughts correctly.

Puppet theater is the first game due to which children develop fantasy and vocabulary is replenished.

didactic games preparatory group

Didactic game "Find an extra word"

Purpose: to develop memory, to replenish the vocabulary, to fix the material.

The teacher names 4 words. For example, a coat, a fur coat, a jacket, a dress. The task of the preschooler is to find an extra word. Coats, coats and jackets are outerwear. The dress does not belong to them.

Game: "who knows more?"

Purpose: to fix and teach words, determine their meaning.

Material: cards of animals, flowers, furniture, etc.

The educator offers the children to list the animals. She calls: a bear, a hare. Children in turn continue. Then they turn to flowers, vegetables, fruits, etc. For preschool children, the tasks for developing the speech are rather complicated. So do not scold, but wait patiently when the child will remember the name. Didactic games are of interest to children.

Preparatory group: Mathematics

Didactic games help children get to knowmathematical representations. Very interesting and entertaining game "Superfluous picture". It is designed to study the numbers. For the game, take a sheet of A4 paper and divide it into equal four parts. In the upper right corner draw 3 nuts, and in the bottom 4 leaves. Draw three toys on the top left, and below them 3 vegetables. The child must learn to think logically. He will find an extra picture (4 leaves).

To children become more attentive, offer the game "Steam Engine". Thanks to it, children can quickly learn and memorize geometric shapes.

didactic games goal preparatory group

Cut out cardboard for preschoolers a fewovals, circles, squares, rhombuses, triangles and a locomotive with five cars. Divide the children into teams. Attach the oval to the first locomotive. Children will understand for which shape this house is. Also a square, a circle, a rhombus and a triangle. Which team will more quickly figure out the figures in the desired houses, she won.


As stated earlier, children need to be developed comprehensively. Especially preschoolers. Therefore, it is necessary to conduct didactic games in the preparatory group on GEF (federal state educational standards). Only then is it possible to teach children everything that is necessary to know in the first grade.

didactic games preparatory group mathematics

Didactic games are the leading activities. Only because of them preschool children learn and know the world around them. Engage with children, try to interest them, and you will be able to release a developed and intelligent child from the kindergarten.