Red-bellied turtles, whose care and maintenance are notrepresent anything complicated, are freshwater animals that are not widely distributed in our region. However, at home it can quite comfortably live. Of course, certain conditions must be created for this. The peculiarity of this animal is that it can live in almost any pond, it does not need to buy expensive food with special additives, and it is able to withstand significant temperature changes.

red-eared tortoises care and content
If you have settled red-bellied turtles, care andthe content assumes not only the creation of optimal conditions for life, but also the proper feeding, although they are not pretentious in eating. So, first of all, let's look at the location of these lovely animals. Take care that the terrarium is properly equipped. Naturally, there must be water in it, as the turtle loves to swim. Inside the terrarium there must be several islets on which the animal can climb and rest. For example, they can be made from a pile of stones, ladder or you can build something like a river bank.

conditions of red-bellied turtles
If you live red-bellied turtles, care andthe content provides for a sufficiently large capacity in which the animal can feel free and cozy. Both land and water are an indispensable element of the terrarium. The liquid should not be chlorinated or treated with any disinfectants. However, it is important to observe the correct pH of the water. Naturally, the container should be equipped with additional sources of ultraviolet light, as well as liquid filters.

If you live red-bellied turtles, care andthe contents provide for the correct installation of equipment in the terrarium. Try to fix it so that the animal does not reach it with its paws. Otherwise, it will simply break it. All additional accessories must be very durable and stable.

red-bellied turtle feeding
Conditions for keeping red-eared turtles are notdiffer in any features. It should be noted that with a properly created microclimate, the animal does not fall into hibernation, as happens in the wild. However, you must provide him with a normal summer daylight, otherwise the turtle will necessarily react to its decrease by lethargy. At the same time, try to feed it properly and fully. If the decrease in activity progresses, then show the animal to the vet. You can not buy, and then release the turtle or give it to small children instead of toys. In this case, she quickly perishes.

If you still settled red-bellied turtles,feeding should be done regularly. Animal ration includes specialized feeds with vitamin additives, fruits, as well as gammarus (a mixture of very small crustaceans, which is very useful for animals). Now in pet stores you can buy a balanced diet for turtles, which includes both natural ingredients and biological supplements that contribute to the proper development of the animal and enhance its health.