Development and upbringing of the child is a long one, butfascinating process. Not the least role in it is played by small genres of folklore: nursery rhymes, sayings, riddles. Teachers and educators are aware of their importance, so they are often treated. Mysteries about frogs, which will be discussed below, only a small part of what is rich in Russian folklore.

About the benefits of puzzles

Under the riddle it is customary to understand the question posed inallegorical form. The questions concern everything that surrounds a person. Plants and animals, natural phenomena and everyday objects - all this is reflected in the riddles.

This genre of folklore originated in antiquity. However, children's writers often turn to him. The main difference between the author's riddles and the people's riddles lies in the volume. The essence of oral folk art is that it was stored in the memory of people and passed from one person to another. Therefore, people's riddles should have been short.

The writer is free from this restriction. It can create riddles of a larger volume and indicate in the text several features of the object, rather than some one.

The role of the riddle in the life of young childrenis extremely high. In addition to the educational function, which allows you to instill a child's love for cultural and literary traditions, as well as their native language, riddles are an excellent means of development. Rhyme, rhythm, speech, objects and their signs, memory and attention - this is only a small part of what the child learns by solving riddles.

A little bit about frogs

riddles about frogs
Frogs often become heroes of Russian folkof fairy tales. The most popular fairy tales in which these representatives of the animal world are mentioned are the "Frog Princess" and "Teremok". These amphibians also occur in the tales of other peoples: Abkhazians, Azerbaijanis, Koreans.

Frogs can be found on all continents. The only places on the planet where they can not be found are the Sahara desert and some areas of the Far North. This is logical, since frogs prefer a humid climate. Most representatives of this species live in fresh water. Frogs have a different color, not just green, as many people think. The bright color of the skin indicates that this frog is poisonous. The uniqueness of these animals and their ubiquity are the reason that riddles about frogs are very popular.

It should be noted that some species are underthreat of extinction. Not the least role in this process was played by man, as frogs are used by people in the scientific and research field, in cooking, and also as pets.

Mysteries about frogs: give examples

On the Internet, you can find many such puzzles. Some of them are large and very complex, and therefore not suitable for very young children. The riddle about the frog for babies should be short and describe one of the most characteristic signs of this animal.

riddle about a frog for kids
1. Not an animal or a bird,

And afraid of everything.

Catch the flies

And I spit in the water.

2. In the summer in the swamp

You will find it.

Green cuckoo.

They call her ...

3. We are in the forest and in the swamp.

We always find you everywhere.

We are sitting in a clearing,

We sit on the edge.

And our name is green ...

An example of the author's puzzle

For many years, one of the mostpopular folk tales remains "The Frog Princess". The main character of this work is a frequent guest in the author's puzzles. At forums dedicated to the development of children, you can find many samples of literary creativity of Russians.

riddle about princess frog
The Riddle of the Frog Princess

Lived in the world

Beautiful girl.

But here Koschey came

And he wanted to marry.

But he was refused

And he took his revenge immediately.

The girl lives now

In the swamp, among the water

And he is waiting for his prince.

You tell me a secret,

What is the name of all that princess?

Mysteries about frogs are especially in demand inkindergartens. With their help, young children learn the habits of this amazing animal, remember a fairy tale in which the frog was one of the central characters.