Organizational, as well as communicative qualities- this is something that every manager should have. Representatives of this profession, of course, constantly interact with people, which means they must be able to communicate their thoughts to them in every possible way. Without special methods and techniques in the management of success is not achieved.

Communication in management is nothing more than athe process of transferring and receiving any information, the exchange of information or experience. It is necessary for the enterprise to function exactly as it should. The manager spends most of his time on it.

Communication in management has such a largemeaning for the reason that it provides an opportunity to coordinate the activities of all employees of the enterprise. It also allows you to establish all kinds of external contacts.

Internal communications in management are divided intotwo groups: horizontal and vertical. In themselves, vertical communications are divided into ascending and descending. Undergoing communications is understood as the process of transferring information from subordinates directly to managers. Most often this is how reports are passed, rationalization proposals and so on.

Downward communication in management is the transfer of information from managers to their subordinates.

Horizontal communications areExchange of information and information between employees who are at the same level. With the help of horizontal links, as a rule, there is a transfer of experience, personal information, data on the results of work. Interpersonal communication in management is important, because to a large extent it is through them that the psychological climate within any collective is established.

External communications - this is happening outsideenterprise information exchange. In other words, the contacts of the enterprise and the outside. This type of communication helps to attract new customers, improve interaction with the old, analyze the desires of consumers, get information about new technologies and so on.

Very often it is from the transmission rateinformation the efficiency of the enterprise depends. Everything can be good only when the necessary reliable information is delivered, where it is necessary without delays and any delays.

Incorrect information can causebig problems. It will not only cause a malfunction in the enterprise, but may lead to its ruin. All information received in any way must be instantly checked. Employees who can give inaccurate information should be under special control.

Communication can be divided into groups andbased on other signs. For example, there are verbal and nonverbal communications in management. Verbal communication is understood as a process in which information is transmitted through words. Immediately note that we mean not only spoken words, but also written.

A written form for an enterprise has a largevalue. The whole document flow is connected with it. It is not difficult to believe that when making deals, the emphasis is not on oral assurances, but on documentary design.

When non-verbal communication is usedall kinds of gestures, facial expressions, looks and so on. In most cases, both of these types of communication complement each other. In some situations, certain contradictions can be observed. They can be related to the fact that a person does not believe in what he says, hides his true attitude to this, and so on. Often non-verbal communications give out people, wholly or partially reveal their lies.