In the course of their economic activities, eachthe enterprise carries out a certain production process, under which there is a purposeful transformation of materials and raw materials into finished products suitable for further processing or consumption. The production process is always aimed at achieving a minimum production cycle. What is the production cycle?

This term means a full circleall operations performed in the manufacture of products, the time interval from the beginning to the end of the production process. Since it occurs in space and time, the production cycle can be measured by the length of the path of the product and all its components, and by the time necessary for the passage of all stages of processing the product. This cycle is the period of the stay of objects of labor (materials, raw materials) in the production process from the very beginning of manufacture to the final release of finished commodity products.

Measuring this cycle using path lengthis carried out from the original workplace, where the processing of the product and all its components began, to the very last. The length of the production cycle is considered not the line, but the area of ​​the room where the equipment, machinery and equipment used for manufacturing the products are placed. Ideal is the situation in which the production cycle is maximally reduced and in which the facilitated communication and transport links workplaces with each other. In other words, the shorter the whole way of production movement during the production process, the lower its transportation costs between operations, the need for areas, and much less time is required for its processing.

The production cycle has its ownduration, measured in days, hours and minutes. The enterprises distinguish the cycle of prefabricated units, the cycle of the product as a whole, individual parts and the performance of individual, as well as homogeneous operations.

The production cycle and its structure is one of theimportant technical and economic indicators of economic activity. On their basis production capacities, terms of output, quantities of work in progress and many other planned production indicators are determined.

The structure of the production cycle consists ofthe time of execution of the main (processing, assembly, procurement) and auxiliary (control, transport) operations, as well as breaks (interoperational, intercyclical, regime). The timing of the above main actions is a technological cycle. During his work on the objects of labor is indirect and direct impact of the workers of the enterprise.

Breaks are divided into 2 groups:

- directly related to the mode of work (non-working shifts and days, inter-shifts for rest, lunch and inter-shift breaks);

- associated with the organizational and technical aspects of production (waiting for assembly of parts and components, lack of energy, vehicles, raw materials and materials).

When calculating the production cycle periodtake into account only those time costs that are not covered by technological operations (time for control, transportation of products). Breaks, which are associated with organizational and technical problems when calculating the planned duration of this cycle, are not taken into account. When calculating its duration take into account the features of the movements of objects of labor. Usually one of 3 types is used: parallel, serial or parallel-serial. It is believed that the production cycle with parallel movement is significantly reduced. Its duration is influenced by economic, organizational and technological factors.